Thanks for your efforts but i suppose this proves what i feared the most, oblivion wont accept multiple textures.
Basically you had to remap the whole damn thing, right?
Using just one texture is a no go for me, I have to use separate textures for separate areas of the model.
Unless theres a way around this, I think im just going to give up trying to make weapons

You can use more than one texture in a single NIF but unless they are reasonably small diffuse maps its better to combine the image elements into one (ie blade, hilt, etc.) in Photoshop and uvmap to match. Understand that each NiNode can only specify one filepath. Thats why in Max or Blender you can have one object with multiple diffuse maps assigned but when you export to NIF it splits each element into seperate NiNodes based on their materials.
As Helborne noted you can use multiple textures but one thing to also keep in mind is the game requires textures to be in a power of 2 on both sides (ie 64x 128x 256x 512x 1024x on both width and length) - Lightwave does not have this requirement and I noticwe in your .bmps that you uploaded you are using some that are not which means the UVmap will need to be adjusted to change them to the proper dimensions.
It's been awhile since I converted the Excalibur sword and Glaius for you but IIRC I seem to recall having to redo the UVmapping (though I think at that point the Lightwave exporter did not retain the UVmapping at all so that may have changed by now ) - I also remember at that time your meshes were not triangulated so I had to triangulate them when exporting from MAX as a NIF. and I seem to remember some problems with the textures as well not being a power of 2 and with all of the adjustments the finished models did not really look as much like the originals as you wanted (as I was fairly new to UVmapping etc.)
The easiest method would probably be to combine all of the .bmps to a single texture (trying not to resize any of them - but arranging them in a manner that optimizes the size of the entire texture and making it a power of 2 on both dimensions and then save that texture as a .dds file ) - Then load the model into MAX - apply that .dds texture to the pieces of the model - go into the UVmapping and arrange the UV's of the pieces to match the new combined texture by moving the UVmapping of the pieces. then reexport the model as a Nif combining the pieces to a single model (since it now uses a single texture there is no need for seperate Tristrips for the various pieces.
Then make a normal map and copy\paste the new model into a vanilla OB weapon NIf for the placement etc. - adjust the collision spheres as needed and tweak the placement - delete the vanilla weapon and save your new NIF,
Not the fastest or easiest process but it can be done - though it takes a bit of work on the normal map to get them to have the proper reflectivity in game so getting them to look identical to the original models will be challenging (as you can see from Wolve's attempt !)