It's a small mod (more like a savegame file I made) that contains 9 celebrity characters I made into NPCs that uses characters created by Kaiem (you know who he is) and me both from both of our Machinima series! There's no special requirements to the small mod, either (except for having the game on PC, of course!)! So now the thing is, can you find them? Wanna make them your companion (via any mod that allows you to recruit any NPC as a companion), or do you wanna pwn them (for those of you who are truely wicked!), or just talk to them like you do with any NPC in the game? Well, you'll now have the chance to in! Enjoy! (and also (for those who downloaded the file and are playing the file) please tell me who you found first?!) (Please note that these celebrity NPCs are not scripted to walk around on their own, eat, sleep, drink, or sit in chairs as I couldn't get them into the construction set nor know how to script characters via the CS! So they'll just be standing there waiting for your chance to find them!)
Please note that this mod requires you to play the save file named "save1" (which starts you off at lvl 1 in the starter prison cell right before the dunmer in the next cell starts to taunt your character, as I did it that way!) in order for those 9 celebrity NPCs to be in the game, otherwise they won't be there at all if you continue from your old saves!