That looks cool. It would look even cooler with some, I dunno, smoke or something emanating from it... Just to make it look a little more "magical".
Or am I just obsessed with particle effects? :sweat:
Why not, an effect shader like on the Ghost for example is easy to do (as you know).
Looking awesome indeed.

I like the raggedness of it, planning on more 'versions'of the critter?
Since the amount of creatures I have is limited and since I don't want to use vanilla creatures that don't fit (imo, like zombies or regular wraiths) I will make at least two versions for each critter. For the Bonelich I've planned to make a lesser type with regular clothes and a greater type with more ornamented clothes, slightly glowing eyes and a slightly larger size.
I love the bonelo-- er, lich. I would suggest giving him unique attacks though that are similar to the bonelord instead of the lich fighting style we're all bored with by now. And they definitely shouldn't have staves. If they must carry one maybe it could be an invisible mesh that is impossible to pick up or is disabled once it falls to the ground. It's a shame there's no way to "fake" the four arms effect that I can think of. Since the bonelord's arms were so close together maybe you could have added them to the existing mesh but the arms wouldn't move indepentently, and with the lich's animations that could look pretty silly. Ultimately what's important though is approximating the "feel" of the tombs and having enemies that are similar in aesthetic and battle behavior to those in Morrowind, not to re-create them exactly. This leads me to brainstorm on how one might create something like a bonewalker. Goblin and zombie skeletons have already been done to death (pun intended and I regret nothing)... maybe if someone rigged it to a daedroth or scalon skeleton, leaving out certain animations which would be either unneeded or dead giveaways... and ancestor ghosts could just be retextured wraiths with different attacks and without those annoying sound effects. This isn't to suggest that you redirect your efforts to a new creature project Phitt but hopefully some talented individual could try it down the line.
I guess I can make an attack animation or two for the lich. Shouldn't be that hard to do. By default they have no h2h attack animations. If it turns out I can make these animations then the staves will go, otherwise I don't think it's that bad since they're not the real deal (Bonliches not Bonelords). Adding another set of arms to the mesh without making new animations and a new skeleton is out of question, it would either not work at all or look silly.
Bonewalkers are a bit harder to do...I guess the Xivilai would be the best option for a re-mesh. For a new mesh you could use just about any skeleton...can't remember how they moved around in MW.
I've made a quick ancestor ghost test ( The texture needs some tweaking (the ornaments/runes are missing), but other than that it already looks pretty close imo - close enough at least. The wraith sound effects definitely need to be replaced, I agree.
What about the Mehrunes Dagon creature? Doesn't it have a four-armed skeleton?
Either way, I think the Bone Lich is darn cool. And I'm kinda with Vacuity on this might be awesome to see a "smoke" like effect radiating from him (her? it?) perhaps combined with some heat distortion effects...

< dreaming
Mehrunes Dagon has four arms, but only a few animations. So most would need to be done from scratch, probably a bit too much work for now. I want to add some new creatures if time allows, but I don't want to spend 100 hours only to get a special creature into the game. Completing the worldspace and dungeons is more important now.