So there is a new version of OBSE now or is that later on?
I ask because I just released a work around mod rev, and may need to pull this off TesNexus if you already released a new OBSE with this fix.
I retract that statement about being ignored, that has not happen to me for a long time.
I can understand not responding to every NEWBIE that posts something, and that was back when I was a relative newbie.
Because at that time (in may case anyway) half the time it was USER error not a real bug!
And yes of course I would rather you spend time writing code than writing response posts.
So really I owe you an apology for brining up OLD crap.
If you want me to,
I will email you the bug I found a long time ago, and at the time I was told I was either wrong or that it did not matter because it was
an old command not used anymore. (they could not seem to understand that it IS still used in older mods)
You did not say this, it was another poster on the bug report thread.
But the result was I did not want to post bug reports anymore.
Again this was a long time ago and it was NOT you.
My issues still stands with the new language, I find it intimidating now to try to read and post on OBSE thread as I am not a programmer.
I understand this is MY fault not yours not OBSE, but I feel many people...
(people like me with talent to do unique things in Oblivion because of a unique skill or experience "set", but did not learn programing because they spent most of thier time learning those other skill "sets"...that make sense at all?)
...that would have used OBSE will shy away from it now because of the new programing style language OBSE is using these days.
The benefit I guess is that only modders that really know what they are doing will mod now or just not use OBSE except for snippets that are written for them.
That is just my opinion, I still support OBSE and would never STOP using it.
I would bet OBSE has to be the number one mod of any game used in history.
Bug is fixed. Thanks to shademe for passing it along - it was news to us.
We welcome feedback, especially bug reports, and would not intentionally ignore you; if you've gotten that impression in the past then I apologize.