Add in the highest res DistantLOD available (textures and normals), several OBGE shaders (e.g., HBAO, the new Bokeh_DoF, and a few others), and the highest res texture replacers for everything you can find (including 4096x4096 skin, etc.) Oh, and Natural Habitat, All Natural, Alive Waters, AWLS, Reneer's Interiors Mod, Open Better Cities, every UL, FCOM (with plenty of options on, especially via MMM)...
And of course, max every setting. Maybe tweak the ini, to go even further...
You could also try forcing AF x16, just for the hell of it.

Just for starters.

edit: And get a nice, 2560x1600 monitor.

Eh, if you go with OBGE, why not add ENBSeries to the mix as well, just for extra giggles.
I have a fairly new system and that would pretty much make the game unplayable for me I guarantee. I thought I could handle everything when I got the system two years ago with a top-of-the-line video card. MTAEVWD destroyed me (although it's not really meant to ever be playable). Even RAEVWD was rough when the LOD was regenerated.
Throw in Open Cities, 4096x4096 texture replacers, QTP 3 Redimized, AFx16, UL, and many more graphics enhancing mods (and there are bazillions of them) and you'll soon find your token of bragging rights squealing to a halt with its petty 1 GB reserve of GRAM. Hell, I doubt 2 GB is enough to satisfy my ultimate Oblivion texture desires and this is like 5+ years after the game was released!
Still I have a reduced set of the above and some more and it runs okay in the teens really with thrashing, but it is "playable."

I'm running Win7 64, an AMD Athlon II X4 635 Processor (2.90GHz), 4 gigs Kingston ram, an Asus M4N75TD, and 2x Sparkle GeForce GTS450's. I got what I could for 600 bucks, and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I tested my old Oblivion build with my hardware and had not a lick of trouble ANYWHERE I used to lag, so when I installed my new HDD (the old one was a 40 gig temp, that was dying) I reformatted and now I want to build a game that reflects my newfound gaming power.
I don't know what's considered to be top-notch nowadays, though. I work on computers but it's a rare day I upgrade (I had my last rig for three going on four years), especially on such a scale as I did there. I wasn't aiming for a certain performance height, but I was just getting the absolute best I could afford in my budget. I kinda look at it as a preemptive strike on TESV, and a "I'm gonna pawn Oblivion before TESV" kinda thing.
I'm gonna make a fell swoop tomorrow at college getting all I'll need for this build, so if I can get links posted to all the cool things it will be handy (not for laziness, but so that I can find this page tomorrow and have all the links there).
Running a quad-core i7 920 OCed to 3.4 GHz with 6 GB of DDR3 SDRAM, a 10,000 RPM HDD, and a Radeon HD 4870 1 GB.
Still can't really handle the mods I want to handle. =(
Yeah video cards are "slightly" better nowadays, but I still doubt that even with the top-of-the-line ones would I see perfect play with everything I want. Maybe a 2 GB card again, but those aren't incredibly common.