I would actually like to see the environment play more of an active role in TES. I have always thought Bethesda did a great job simulating weather. Why not take it a step further and actually have it affect the environment? Lightning could strike and burn down a tree, a village could get snowed in, rain could flood different parts of the map depending on how intense it is, etc.
I really love this idea. I don't expect lighting to strike down a tree, but if weather phenomena had some game world effects, that'd be really great.
I love the general idea of having to fight the harsh cold, but if it ends up being like Frostfire Glade cave it's just going to become seriously obnoxious. Instead of taking hits for cold damage, I think it should be limited to things like blizzards and swimming. Maybe there will be hot springs where our characters can explore underwater and not take damage. Maybe it only has an effect after some time. I dunno. I like the realism, but I do want to feel like my character is physically resistant enough to deal with the cold, too.