If you're like me, then getting to the realms of Peryite and Boethiah in Oblivion through their respective shrine quests was a massive disappointment, as they were identical to Dagon's Deadlands. I searched around for mods that changed this, and while I found one on PES that replaced Peryite's Pits, Attribution's Share was always sadly neglected. Until now.
Using http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27418 resource, Boethiah's arena will be remade into a hedge maze (aesthetically only, the actual layout of the arena, with direct doorways to your next fight, will remain intact) more fitting of the Prince of Plots.
No screens at this time, I haven't actually gotten that far into the process

Also, quick question about the CS-- how do you remove the existing terrain textures on the landscape? I knew how to do it at one point, and I'm getting weird graphical glitches trying to put down new textures over what's already there. :shrug: