Nope. Aside from Reneer's Interiors Mod and Immersive Interiors, nada.
The only way to actually make this happen would be to move EVERY interior into the Tamriel worldspace, and this would cause numerous problems.
1. Who has the time to actually do such a thing?
2. Many, many,
many interiors are not on the same scale as their exterior model, which would cause clipping problems, and in some cases, outright broken interiors.
3. Frame rates would likely plummet due to all the extra graphics data that needs to be rendered, especially in cities.
4. Particularly in large cities, doing this runs the risk of AI overload. The game will only process so many AI packages at once.
Interiors NEED to be kept separate from exteriors, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They were not designed to work together and trying to force them is IMHO a lot more trouble than its worth.