[RELz] Metallicow Cursor Mod

Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:20 pm

Name: Metallicow Cursor Mod
Version: 1.0
Date: Nov-27-2010
Category: User Interfaces
Author(s): Metalio Bovinus
Source: TesAlliance, TesNexus



Tired of the default cursor? Now there is a variety of cursors you can use, including themed cursors.


This mod was packaged to encourage the use of BAIN, so use it!

BAIN-Ready Archive with wizard.
Manual-Unzip, and drop desired cursor folder contents into Oblivion\data folder.


Manual- Drop contents of the 00 Vanilla cursor folder into the Oblivion\data folder.


Any other mod that changes the cursor.dds textures.


You can find me on TESAlliance, TESNexus, or the official forums as 'Metallicow'


Metallicow - Mooo
Bethesda for vanilla Oblivion cursor.
Thanks to the other modders for some of the excellent mods which I made some themed cursors from:
- (liquidgraph) Lost Spires, (Various) The Oubliette, (themythofanst) Vvardenfell Imports, (Exelixis) Mastersword Resource, (Jojjo) Frostmourne Sword, (Tarnsman) Beer!, (Nicoroshi) Wyrmfang dagger

===Metallicow Cursor Mod Compression Standard===
The 100% Standard cursor is 64x64 pixels wide and resides in the folder: textures\menus\misc\cursor.dds.
The 80% one is the same as the Standard cursor and resides in the folder: textures\menus80\misc\cursor.dds.
The 50% one is 32x32 pixels wide and resides in the folder: textures\menus50\misc\cursor.dds.

DDS Convertor 2 Says (100% Vanilla cursor):
The Alpha Channel: Yes
Compression -
Mipmap #: 6

All cursors were saved at ARGB 32bpp | unsigned 7MIP maps with the Nvidia photoshop .dds plugin.
The Vanilla Cursor has been included if you wish to revert back to the original cursor.

===Cursor Folder Header Mod Names/Letters and links to where to get these anazing mods===

BEER - BEER! by Tarnsman @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8532
JOJJO - Frostmourne @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17032
KOTN - Knights of the Nine
LS - Lost Spires @ http://www.lostspires.com/
Mooo - A couple of my colored desktop cursors.
OB - Oblivion (Vanilla)
OUB - The Oubliette @ http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/190-v120-the-oubliette-tesas-2009-halloween-challenge/
POTION - Doofdillas & Ceano Textures @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4654
SI - Shivering Isles
TXT - Deadric Text (Font)
VI - Vvardenfell Imports @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28245
WYRFANG - Wyrmfang @ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14641
ZELDA - Mastersword Resource @ (Ummm...got it from a link on the official forums...)

Tools Used

Photoshop 7 & Nvidia DDS plugin
Wrye Bash/BAIN

Version History

1.0 Initial Release.


Contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging and/or modifying any part of this mod for release.
The 100% .png cursors can be used as an icon modder's resource if desired. All I ask in return is that
you give me (and others if using themed cursors) appropriate credit if you redistribute any part of this :)
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:49 pm

Cool. I like the cursors. Thanks for sharing. :)
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:10 pm

.... And I totally missed this little gem - Malonn just mentioned it in relation to wizards (thank you Malonn) - Linking your mod in the Wrye Bash guide shortly :)

Thank you Metallicow (and also for the wizard for Brumbeks textures)
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Alexander Horton
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