I've read the Read pdf file available in Nehrim's web site and I've searched the Nehrim official thread here (it is locked) but I couldn't find an answer for this question:
After doing a fresh Oblivion install and applying the latest patch, shall I also install the UOP 3.2 Patch (and available Hotfixes) in order to install and play Nehrim?
* OR *
Applying UOP Patch (plus any other Hotfixes) is unnecessary because it will ruin/invalidate/damage/give errors to my Nehrim installation?
Surely someone must be asked this question before, but again, I read the Nehrim's Readme pdf and looked into Nehrim and Mod's official thread + Nehrim official thread (but not in SureAI forums)
and couldn't find a definitive answer for this question.
Thank you!