
Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Dovahkiin is the Adoring Fan's uncle.

I'm suprised no one knew this... :facepalm:
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 pm

Martin was a well done and likable character, but I do hope this Nova guy is a bit less humble. I am ready for a lion even if he's less sympathetic.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:42 pm

Just because the ancient iceman prophets carved a big burly nord into their wall does not mean that they actually prophesied that Dovahkiin would be a big burly nord.

True. Nobody suspected that the Nerevarine would be an outlander either. Or female. It's all possible.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:14 pm

On the same note as what Povuholo said about the Nerevarine being a female outlander, this guy could also just be like the Nerevarine in that it's a reincarnation, and nothing would stop him from reincarnating into a female, or a khajit if it's crazy enough.

So even if the original Dovahkiin was a big burly male nord that's no reason the next one would be too.

Actually, what about Dovahkiin being more of a title bestowed on the one who proves to be worthy enough to make the dragons fear him/her? So, whoever it is that has the secret mojo arts that makes dragons run in fear of them will be referred to as Dovahkiin more in honor of the original Dovahkiin instead of necessarily stating that they *are* him or are a reincarnation of him.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 pm

I like to think that Dovahkiin and us will actually travel together or work in harmony to deal with the problem at hand (sort of like Baurus dealing with petty stuff like sniffing rats out, and burying the elderly)

Yes, the dragons fear Dovahkiin, they didn't say Dovahkiin works alone, or have a sidekick. For once, we might have to guide the "hero" step by step to fight the menace instead of being a dumb muscle while the "hero" do all the thinking (and somehow know freaking everything)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:25 pm

A Dovahkiin is essentialy the person whome, through ritual, embodies the Covenant between mortals and the Aedra. The last Covenant was suspended when Martin broke the Chim-el Adabal to defeat Mehrunes Dagon.

This could work as the PC or an NPC.

Its posible that if the new Covenant is formed like the first, the person who does it will die in the process. Alessia was on her deathbed when the first Convenant was formed and it may have required the consumption of her soul for the ritual.
If thats the case, then they could do a "Martin' on us, a sacrificial lamb so that we can live and use the new blood pact with Akatosh and the Aedra to defeat the dragons.

Or if the Covenant does not require a soul, it could be the PC working for Akatosh to form a new pact between the Aedra.

The least likely option presented thus far from a lore sense would be reincarnation. Dovahkiin's are not people with a reincarnate soul, they are simply the mortal conection to the Aedra.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:52 pm

To be honest I hope it's something a little more creative than a rehash of Oblivion's "help that guy who's the chose one", or Morrowind's "you're the chosen one" stories. Espcially Morrowind's, give that it was played there as quite a good deconstruction of the over-used cliché.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:00 am

Perhaps the entire point of the Main Quest will be that he's just a legend, and the PC just assumes the title.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 pm

well, Dovahkiin wont actually be a characters name since all it means is dragon born. It would be interesting if it was an actual dragon but as stated earlier, it will more than likely be a martin type character.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:32 pm

I am almost always a good character, but why is main quest always for good people? I know there is lots of evil characters ...
So if you are Dovahkiin , or you are helping him, you should have more options ... complete the main quest by choosing the evil, netural or good way. And your choice will affect the game.
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