Optional Harvest Flora compatible patch added.
1.1 - Corrected Objects, Names and Scripts in the Santuary House, Added Autosave to Back to Home Spell.
1.0 - Initial Release
Skyrim is coming and a lot of people want to play Oblivion again, but some want to play with a gameplay very near the original.
This is the goal of this modification, but to me, small yet essential modifications have to be done.
OBSE 20 or better.
Oblivion + Shivering Isles updated to or GOTY edition.
Small Changes:
01) Gems: They are now 10x more valuable ( it is not much, now a Flawless Diamond, very rare, value =
02) Messages about "Loading Area..." "Loading Distant LOD..." removed
03) Chance to recover Arrows from bodies: 80% (Original is 50%, but only this)
04) "How many" message is annoying, now only appear if are 6 or more items ( 6 is more common than other quantities )
05) Magic Spells are now 30% faster. Not the cast time, the speed of the projective. More than that is no sense for me.
06) Essential unconscious are now 40 seconds but when they wakeup with health at 50%. ( Not the useless unconscious all time.)
07) You can carry 2.4x more loot, it is not much if you are a Mage with Heavy Armor that use alchemy. But encumbrance no more a big annoying factor.
08) Crime Alarm Distance slowed by 25%, It is not make the Assassin easy, only more balanced in my opinion.
09) The Light Spell is no more a strange Green, changed to a more calm light useful to find items on the ground.
10) The horse turn is 60 degrees per second, 15 degrees per second more fast. Believe or not is a big change.
11) Harvesting: Better change to get ingredients. Now the chances are 80% or 90%.
12) The Altar if Nine not remove diseases anymore. Take care now.
Yes, some are very powerful others are useless. The objective is not to make then different but more balanced.
Attribute Birthsigns: Lady, Warrior, Thief now only gives +5 instead of +10. Thief only to Agility and Luck. Steel only +10 to speed.
Mage: before gives 50 mana, now gives 40 mana.
Apprentice: now more 80 mana and only 10% weakness to magicka.
Atronach: Still no mana regen, 25% Spell Absorption, more 120 mana.
Lover and Serpent very small change
Tower: Now unlock a Hard Lock per day, no change in the other spell
Shadow: Now is 180 seconds once per day.
Lord: Less cost and power for healing spell and only 10% weakness to fire.
Ritual: Unchanged.
Leveling System:
The unholy leveling System, I like the idea, but the search of the +5 at level up is no good for the game, or have only a +2 is terrible.
The solution is more easy and effective. Remove the +5 and the +2. You need only to advance 1 skill to get a +3 for the relative attribute and if you advance at least 4 points or more you get the +4 at level up. Simple.
Other systems are better than this, of course, but remember my goal? The good news is: This change is compatible with elaborate leveling systems.
Skill Progressing:
I tried to balance then based on play time and styles not using calculation about use. Some skill will progress a bit slower (blade for example) other much more slower (sneak for example), others a bit faster (marksman for example) of much more faster (spellcraft for example) And make no change in Merchant because it is ok or other mods rewrite it better.
New Start, New Home:
Integrated with this I make a new start, very simple and with low valuable items, you finalize the character opening the Adventure Chest. The big deal is the Sanctuary House you get. You have a large options to stock your items and ingredients, all initially empty and no books and a Interior only used 2 times in the game.
On first floor you get a Alchemy at Home, helping you to make better potions until you start to find journeyman aparatus ingame.
Has a bonus I make a new simple Race "Dark Breton" this is the combination of Breton with Dark Elf or Orc, you choice it selecting the eye color. I have toyed a bit with Asymmetry options for the face.
When you leave by portal, you can choice what city that you will be transported and receive 2 powers and a lesser power.
A Back to Home Power, A gift Arrows Power and a Resurrect Spell Less power.
The Back to Home Spell only works one time per day, this way it not break your Roleplay. The spell fail if you are in Shivering Isles, Oblivion Plane, in combat or in Interior Areas.
The Gift Arrows spell gives you 20 arrows using 20 mana, the quality of the arrows is based on your level. One per day too.
The Resurrect spell only works in Dead People (playable races) or Horses, on people gives the resurrect npc a robe, making easy to remember what npc you resurrected.
The House not have a door to external areas, because I not find a good spot not touched be others yet.
About other mods, if the two changes the same thing, what load after will be prevail. If ou use a lot of mods, please put this mod near the end.
It is compatible with OblivionXP or nGCD leveling systems.
Full compatible with Unofficial Oblivion Patches, I incorporated the corrections, for flora, spells or cells settings that my mod changes.
Extract the .esp file to .../Oblivion/Data folder.
Enable it by OBMM or run Oblivion Launcher and select Data Files and select it.
Remember: The mod requires OBSE 20 or newer. Install it and run the game running the obse_loader.exe to play the game or the mod will not work.
to Bethesda Softworks for presenting us the Elder Scrolls series.
to the Elder Scrolls community for supporting Oblivion.
to the OBSE team for extending the game's scripting capabilities.
to you