I found magic lacking for both the player and NPCs so I used bashed patch tweaks to increase the bolt speed to x1.4 and higher. It's not so much that the spells aren't strong enough, or the AI, it's the fact that not a single attack spell ever hits a player because said player is constantly on the move.
To make matters worse (somehow

), I use an old Duke Patricks combat geometry mod and momentum damage and shield tricks and fun stuff like that. It made me play in third person and constantly keep an eye on my back. When I see a blob of ice strolling along, I wave it goodbye as it passes me.
Spells need to actually hit something in order to do damage. If spells can't hit because they fly too slow, then no manner of AI tweaking or damage-adding is going to change anything.
Now if spells were instant hit, or friendly-fire-friendly area-of-effect (and aimed at the ground near the player), then that would change things completely. You could keep the bolt speed where it is but force the player to move out of the way even further.
Or maybe even changing the bolt size... or spread fire, or homing bolts. Something that guarantees a good chance of a hit.