1. Better graphics, we all saw that Oblivion had pretty good graphics, but that was 4 (4.9) years ago...
2. More items, all i see in shops of Oblivion (Imperial City) is iron armor, thats it?
3.More types of spells, Oblivion had a good selection of spells, but when i want to create my own, there is only 25 types.
4. Auctions (Xbox Live), If you can make it posible for players to make their own armor and sell it (USING IN GAME GOLD!!!). but they can only purchase it if the level requierments match, skill level, and limit of whatever betheda puts on it, via: xbox live.
5. Co-op (Xbox Live), Why not have a friend from xbox live help you on your quest and you can help him level. I would think it would be a great addition to the Elder Scrolls Series.
6.Creation, now here is the fun part, We only use what you give us on the xbox and ps3. In Morrowind and Oblivion (PC edition)you gave a mod kit to players to create. So why not let players to make weapon based on skill level in Skyrim?
7. Cheats, in Morrowind you gave xbox players cheats. In Skyrim you could do the same and expand the cheat list but put a consiquence like disable "__" Achivement.
8.EPIC BATTLES, Please? i never saw "real" epic battles in The Elder Scrolls, Ex: 4,500 soldiers vs. 5,000 enemies. And you are in the battle! cool right? I know its difficult but please?
9. Companions (I know its in fallout, BUT NOT MONSTERS WE CAN CAPTURE AND TRAIN!

10. Better voice acting...
Well thats it so please leave your "comments" on this? thank you, you fellow blade: Bladestorm.