The Origins of Werewolves my lie with the Daedra and Prince Hircine, just as the origins of vampires in ES lie with Prince Molag Bal.
As to The Daedra. . . how could I have forgotten. . . of course there is already clear evidence that they are not only still to be found in Nirn after Oblivion, but still have some limited power to access it. Recall, however you played the game, in the History of Tameriel, both Nights of The Nine and Shivering Isles occur AFTER the Oblivion crisis. In the one, Lesser Daedra allied to Meridia appear in Nirn in the service of Umaril, the Half-Daedra Half-Ayelid once king of Cyrodil. They even attack the chapels of certain Aedra Gods, defiling the alters and blocking blessings from flowing from them. In the latter case, A Daedric Prince opens a long term gate into Oblivion, one which mortals can both enter and exit. Most interestingly, not only does the gate appear in Nirn, but an entire islet out of Oblivion's Shivering Isles. So while the deeds of Martin and Akatosh which ended The Oblivion Crisis no doubt assure that Mehrunes Dagon cannot walk into Nirn (at least until he figures out a new loophole), and that whole armies of Daedra cannot suddenly descend upon Mundus, it does not preclude Daedra from being invited into Nirn, nor from dwelling within it under certain circumstances.
