Hello everyone, and thanks for the wonderful comments. My sculpting demands pretty much all my attention from here on, so it'll likely be my last time in here - at least until the clarion call for ES5 is sounded forth across the land

i don't personally wish for another TIE when that time comes. In fact, I have complete faith in modder's abilities to dvelve deep within and surprise us all with more masterpieces. Bethseda seems to have learned its lesson in regards to faces, so my expectations lean more towards the hope that they'll go more into fleshing out the world and utilizing all its potential (such as building a world deep deep underground, on the surface, and in the air, implementing more types of water creatures and fish and fishing - and SPEARFISHING, more magic, fantasy, believability, danger, surreal architecture and culture, in other words, the type of creative insanity needed to initiate and complete the type of realm needed to bring players in - and all WITHOUT holding anyone's hand.
My last four years in here was nothing less than magical, and I truly appreciated every bit of advice and assistance given so freely.