Modding a race, weirdness with hair and eyes

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:19 pm

I've been trying to make a mod for the Moonshadow Elves mod to make it compatible with Race-Balancing Project, and add most of the missing hair and eyes at the same time while I'm at it. So, I go into Wrye Bash, flip the Moonshadow and RBP esps into esms, and go to work. The new abilities work okay, the toggle ability script works okay, the new hairs work okay, the new eyes work okay, but there's something that's really annoying me--the original moonshadow eyes that came with the Moonshadow mod are disappearing when I bash everything together.

MoonshadowRBP.esp (the mod I'm making) is loading after Moonshadow Elves - No Sc.esp, both mods are tagged with Eyes, Hair, NPCFaces and R.Relations (though I just noticed that MoonshadowRBP.esp is tagged Graphics, which the original Moonshadow - No Sc.esp is not). I even made copies of the original moonshadow eyes with new FormIDs, but when I check the bashed patch using TES4Edit the new eyes show up as red.

If I load MoonshadowRBP.esp after the Bashed Patch, then the eyes show up fine, so I've got to be setting some things wrong when I do the Bashing, but I'm not sure what. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? :)

Edit: Huh. Even if I remove the Eyes tag from Moonshadow Elves - No Sc.esp, the new eyes in MoonshadowRBP.esp don't get imported into the Bashed Patch. :brokencomputer:
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:25 am

Aha, here we go. Wrye Bash says,

Eye Meshes Filtered
In order to prevent 'googly eyes', incompatible eyes have been removed from the following races.

? zzSPST

Which is the ID for the Moonshadow Elf race I edited.

The thing is, I know it doesn't cause Googly Eyes, since if I load MoonshadowRBP.esp after the Bashed Patch it works just fine. Is there some way to make a particular mod exempt from such filtering?

Edit: Never mind, problem solved. The problem, as near as I can tell, was that Moonshadow Elves had their own eye mesh instead of using the standard eyehuman mesh like all the other mer and men races. Since they didn't use Elaborate Eyes, I just switched the mesh in the mod I made, Bashed, loaded the game, and the eyes I made were included.

Still have to test for problems, but the basic part seems to be out of the way. :)
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