The Manliest Way To Gaming: Guide

Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:23 am

Are you a MAN or are you a PANSY. Gaming is very important, and when your doing it, do it right. We may listen to women when they tell us what to do, but we are men. We may not take the "smart approach" or the "tactical approach" or use "common sense", but we're men. And that means rushing is the only solution.

The Biggest Part of Being A Man.

Guns- Men play wiith toys, and they also play dress up. No, not with dolls. Dolls are for pansies. Men play with guns. Bigger is better, because guns are your man toy, and just like real life, size matters. Find the biggest gun you can get your hands on at the store, and remember, you don't have to pay. Men are entitled to weapons. Now, to dress up your guns, equip your mass arsenal of firepower with as many attachments as you possibly can. It doesn't matter if they are useless. They show that your gun is better, meaning that you are more manly. And remember, if you see somebody with more attachments, or a bigger gun, it's because they're jealous of your manlyness.

The Look.

Appeareance- You are a man, aren't you? AREN'T YOU!? To be a man, not only to you have to have the most firepower, but you need to look like a man. You need to have the bigggest, most bulging body you can. You can wear any clothes you like, except a shirt. No shirts, shirts only hide your man body. The only colors exceptable for your clothing are red, black, white, and pink. These are the manliest colors, and you cannot wear silly girl colors like purple.

The Fight.

Technique- Fighting is very important, especially proving your manlyness in an online game. There is a certain way you must go about fighting.

  • When you first arrive to the game, shout as loud as you can. This is yourr cry of war. Your scream should strike fear until the heart of the enemy, saying "I am a man, You are a pansy."

  • Once you are done making your battle cry, you must go a completely seperate way than your team. You must be a man, and friends only hinder you and make you less manly.

  • Upon seeing a enemy, you must walk up to them and shoot them. Men do not run like little pansies, they do not take cover like little pansies. Men walk and shoot. Oh and by the way, when the target is dead, unload a full clip into the corpse. This proves that your manitude is stronger than theirs.

  • When you die, you must shout into your mic as loud as you possibly can, You must also deny dieing from getting shot. The other team cheated you. They had to be cheating, there is no other way. Your manitude can not be defeated any other way.

The Most Dangerous Part of Being A Man.

Women- After being playing your game, tell your wife to make dinner and have it ready in five minutes.

Real men always treat ladies with respect. ALWAYS
-Mimical Theory.

The quote above is very important. When you demand dinner from your wife, do it with respect. You may be a manly man, but treat ladies with disrespect and *gulp.*

Well, thats how you do it. It's Krytt's Guide to Gaming the Manly Way. Oh, and since you needed to read a guide to achieve over 9,000 manlyness, that must mean your a pansy.

Thanks to
- Mimical Theory, for contributing information, even though he doesn't actually know he did.

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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:04 am

Great guide on how to be a moronic Rambo. Oh wait....
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:50 am

One manly man gamer topic is all we need. Please put your manly suggestions there. :lol:
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