lol, i know there's a vid on youtube with a american soldier dual-wielding some machine guns, i'd say it's plausible, but try walking with those for 5minutes while firing now and then.
i'd say, just leave dual-wield out....
mw2 put dual wield in and most people who can't aim use it..
and it's frigging hard to put them down first when you faced eachother at a short distance
edit: oh and don't forget, reloading while having both hands occupied isn't as easy as movies make you think it is.
Best Duel wielding pics EVER " " and " " (2nd pic has "profane" language (I wouldn't find it profane, but someone might, if they do i don't know what they're doing on this sight, but they might) )
Also, you reload them one at a time, ie stick it in a holster or something to give yourself a spare hand, then repeat with the other gun. And aiming isn't that hard, excepting the D/Eagles, but thats 50 cal so what do you expect, you would barely be able to fire ONE of those straight. And, if you can't aim while duel wielding, don't use 2, but don't say that the people who can aim with them shouldn't be able to use them.