Two important things. First, people have a right to their opinion. It's fine to debate a point and to disagree but the discussion needs to be kept civil. I understand that this is a volatile topic but that doesn't excuse letting it get out of hand.
Second, I do not believe it is appropriate to turn this in to a general discussion on women in gaming. Although if you do then at the very least you need to back up your claims with solid evidence like scientific polls. However I'd rather not see this issue discussed in any depth as the issue of female characters in Brink is volatile enough without adding this to the fire.
This goes out to the Moderators in hopes that they seriously pass this along to the developers :
I'm sure the Splash Damage developers are aware that many people would like women to be an option. When this question was first raised they were willing to discuss their reasoning in depth instead of ignoring the issue or brushing it off.
Won't be preordering, now. Thanks, Bethesda.
Actually this was Splash Damage's decision, Bethesda is the publisher not the developer.
PS: I totally would have played Lara Croft: Wildebeest.