One concern I have about Brink worries me because it is what ruined BF Bad Company for me..the fact that once you put about a day of playing time into the game, you've unlocked everything and you lose a lot of the drive and progression I enjoy about FPS'ers, especially because level doesnt really matters in that the way it does in say Halo games, where it fluctuates.
Do you think there will be a *Presteige* mode, so to say.. or fluctuating levels, or anything else to keep the game fresh even though you have put a lot of time into it? Because I'm praying that the game doesnt get stale after you've reached the level where you simply have most everything.
As much as I hate to say, CoD series did great in what I'm talking about.
Sure, there may be a lot of things you can customize, whether that takes a long time or not, EVENTUALLY you may reach a point where there isnt much left to do.
You guys think they will be able to pull it off?