The Queen of England...has just asked You, Dysfunksion(
and I quote):
?How much of Rugby have You ever watched, Matey?
Anywho's Matey, thanks for Your post, Dysfunkshion; of which will keep this thread alive, and afloat! :foodndrink:
And, since Us Matey's have another oppurtunity to propose more, fresh gameplay ideas, for Splash Damage's BRINK; how about Us Matey's...use this opputunity, to propose three more ideas :foodndrink: :celebration: Here We gooooo Matey's:
Camaraderie: It is unquestionable to Myself, that when a Newbie plays a Veteran Gamer, for a prolonged period of time, this aforesaid Newbie gains skills, wisdom, knowledge, and know-how, from the Veteran Gamer in question--and, this Newbie gains these valuable playing components, at a relatively faster place than otherwise, to boot. So, why should not introduce a persistent point tracking system attribute(
of which will come packaged with BRINK, heretofore); a persistent point tracking system attritube, of which will indirectly reward Veteran BRINK Gamers, points, special unlocks(
etc.) for indirectly(
or,l even directly!) training BRINK Newbies...?
I believe that...this persistent point tracking system attritube, will embrace New(
bie) BRINK Gamers, of Whom will feel intimidated(
etc.) by the vast presence of Veteran/skilled BRINK Gamers, of Whom will otherwise mercilessly slaughter...the aforementioned Newbie BRINK Gamers in question! But, how will this persistent point tracking system feature, embrace of BRINK Newbies? Well, My Good Matey's: if Veteran BRINK Gamers are encouraged to treat Newbie BRINK Gamer's with gentleness, but firmness--in the form of patient, Veteran gaming; but teacher-like mentor-ship--then Newbie Gamers of BRINK, will feel more at ease when approaching the BRINK Gaming Community...when having rested Their eyes, upon the hardcoe skill level, of the BRINK Gaming Community!!!!!!!!!
Next idea, of which We will propose...for Our Dear Queen of England!
Toughness: Instead of having a typical "melee" attack, at One's disposal; it would be nice if You--Splash Damage--considered implementing an attack feature, which replaces the melee attack, with this(
for example): when One runs out of a weapon's ammunition, one has the option to through the weapon with depleted ammo, towards One's Opponent, of which weapon will then explode...upon One having detonated the weapon within reasonable reach of One's Opponent, with a remote control!!!!!!!!! This "latent-form" of attack(
Throwing the depleted-ammo weapon, of which will remain harmless, until having been detonated), could introduce a level of Gaming hardcoeness, if: the theretofore, harmless weapon, wasn't thrown in a "canned" fashion(
As, Mr Paul Wedgewood, of Splash Damage, uses the word^_^); and this explodable weapon in question, can only detonate...if, and only if the weapon is within a reasonable, practical, and commonsensical(
read: realistic) distance from the Player; of Whom has tossed the ammo-less weapon, towards the Player's Opponent!!!!!!!!!
And lastly,
Realism: I would appreciate it, if--You Matey's, at Splash Damage--would considered this feature, of which follows: an option in One's BRINK User menu, to enable BRINK to present the presence of "Gibs," of which will be found in the stock(
read:default) forms of the games, Quake 1, Quake 2, Quake 3, and Quake 4...
...if One looks on youtube, for videos of these perspective games.
Here is a link to a Quake 2 video, of which We have just found on The Tube

. In This aforementioned video, You will find these "Gibs"--that is, if One can guess what exactly are "Gibs"

bliviongate: hehe :celebration: ( :rofl: ):
Cheers for listening to these proposed ideas in this specific post, of which thread. Clan P@1nk1ll@z really appreciateYour bestowed concern, and Your bestowed support!!!!!!!!!
G'day Maties^_^
Yea, why not add a goal, and a referee.
Seriously, Brink has a slide move which tackles the enemy. There you go, rugby.