On the subject of bosses in general

Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:31 pm

This is quite simply a thread to talk of bosses in general. Rather then it just being about if they should be in, feel free to do things such as suggest monsters or how you would want these things to go.

And I know of the hidden boss thread, this is more for general bosses, though I have that as a poll option.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:14 am

No offense, but people need to learn to write polls better (or better yet, not do them at all).

I want bosses to be varying in size, in your poll it seems like you have every boss the same size.

For the last option, I want some bosses that are very, very hard to defeat. But not impossible, that is ridiculous. Why even have it in the game if it is impossible to kill and it isn't apart of a quest or something?
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:09 pm

No offense, but people need to learn to write polls better (or better yet, not do them at all).

I want bosses to be varying in size, in your poll it seems like you have every boss the same size.

For the last option, I want some bosses that are very, very hard to defeat. But not impossible, that is ridiculous. Why even have it in the game if it is impossible to kill and it isn't apart of a quest or something?


I agree.... having an impossible boss is... haha well it'd be kind of funny for the devs to do, but it'd be a waste, I think. (Maybe nearly impossible?)

What I'd LOVE to see is for there to be bosses that only particular playing styles can beat. Like depending on which perks you chose you can beat some bosses.. but not others. That would be great for multiple playthroughs.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:40 pm

I never said or meant the boss would be impossible, but rather that it would be far too hard for someone except if they have a really high level. :wink_smile:
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:12 am

Your second option about what size the boss should be needs another option of "Varying Sizes" because I don't want every boss to have to be some giant monster. Also, I say no to monsters that you must always run away from but yes to challenging monsters.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:28 pm

No offense, but people need to learn to write polls better (or better yet, not do them at all).

Practice makes perfect right?

I like the thought of greater variability in the enemies we face. however, I was very happy with how Oblivion handled bosses. I tend to shy away from games that are leveled with big boss encounters at the end, and Oblivion seemed to have boss encounters that were integrated well into the rest of the gameplay. For instance in a goblin gave there would be a chieftain, often surrounded by lesser goblins, and this seems more realistic then always facing a overpowered boss by itself.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:31 pm

Cool poll.

Of course.

-Differing sizes
Interesting and challenging bosses might be anything from pixie- to kraken-sized.

-Yes, I would love to dig far below the earth and find some denomic monstosity[sic]!
The selected poll option is pretty much what I would've typed. The TES setting lends itself very well to "Balrog of Moria" style boss encounters, I think.

-Yes, I would love to run from something sometimes!
Of course. Warriors don't become champions, champions don't become heroes, and heroes don't become legends without getting their behinds kicked from time to time. And everyone knows real heroes will flee (with the treasure and/or the temple maid/princess) when necessary.

-Yes, some things are not meant to be fought by mortal hands!
Again, nicely worded poll option. A particularly nice (if not terribly original) concept for boss encounters is needing to trigger, or take advantage of a specific weakness in order to have any hope of overcoming a certain monster. Eg, the Dragon Priest Abomination of Gloom Cave might only become susceptible to weapons and magic after being struck by the Sun Blade of Shiny Light at least once.
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