That one is ok.
Personally I think is one of the best game trailers ever. I think if you throw Mad World (Gary Jules version, the original just isnt... as good) behind almost any game trailer it makes it awesome.
Funny, I knew it was that trailer only by reading your post.
Anyway, I disagree. This trailer did work because it was Gears of War. It would also work with Mass Effect 3, I believe. But it wouldn't have to work with BRINK, or Assassin's Creed, or Battlefield.
Using sad or epic music is not an sacred recipe for a good trailer. That is why I like to show the Assassin's Creed trailer (as a matter of fact, not only the one of the first game; but the short versions for AC2 and Brotherhood are rare on youtube).
The AC trailer explicitly doesn't use epic (sad/drama) music, but utilises a very heavy speech of images. You could use "Teardrop" in a much more happy scenario as well, and it would fit.
Also the AC trailer does show you exactly what the game will offer: You are an assassin, you kill people, you climb buildings and you move around in pretty big areas.
Also, what I personally like in this trailer (for the first Assassin's Creed game) very much, is the good composition of ingame-sound and music. They have a harsh cut at 0:15/0:16, but re-introduce the music with the blade-sound at 0:22/0:23 is very well aranged.