Either way we look at it ,it WILL work out fine. It's a better balancing act in my view.
1: PALADIN CLASS: Stunning defence-Average attack.
Attack: Sword only,as a general rule,no destructive magic.Shield possible attack also. Overall: Average attack.
Defence: Strong armour,shield,lots of stamina/endurance,defensive spells. Overall: Stunning defence.
2: ASSASSIN: Good attack-poor defence.
Attack: Ranged ( bows/throwing weapons ) distance from enemy. Close quarters: Fast attacks and good agility. Overall: Good attack
Defence: Poor/average. Speed to dodge,initial range at first,defence because of being out of reach.Close quarters: Poor protection,has speed to dodge etc,but when hit poor defence. Overall: Poor defence.
3: BATTLE-MAGE: Stunning attack-Average defence. ( taken from the perspective of one handed weapon and spell combo,or spells in both hands.
Attack: Ranged,damaging and weakening spells.Close quarters:Sword,mace,axe atc ( one handed ) Average to good attack,touch spells,extreme damage and weakness in most/some cases.
Overall: Weapon and spell attack=Stunning attack.
Defence: Average/good.( depending on armour type ) No blocking,relies on spells and armour for defence. Overall: Average to good defence.
These are rough ideas on balance,and not overpowering. I.E: Battle mage.If he could block aswell as what i've said above,to me thats over-powered,he has enough at is disposal to be powerful.
The classes aren't perfect,thats not the point. The point is to look at from that view and see why the system they are doing makes more sense. The way i've done it may not make much sense to some.Some could maybe do it better.It's a general idea of balance/or strong and weak,or trade-off. If every class/or character was stunning at everything,instead of good or average,it would ruin the game in my eyes. A point also,battle mage types moan that they can't block with a one-handed weapon in one hand,and a spell in the other. What i've shown in the battle-mage class ( though not perfect ) shows how much power they have without blocking,they need a weak point also. I hope you understand where i'm coming from here.

*Edit* I could go into a lot more detail about all of this,but would take too much effort at the moment. If you look/think deeper about it,i believe the new system is better. Where ever there is a strength,there also has to be a weakness,it's balance. Jack of all trades: Not stunning at anything individually,but good across the board. Thus ,he has weakness and strength.The same applies to mages,assassins ,thieves,warriors etc.It makes for more interesting game-play in my view.