I am not a strong writer, I do however (I believe) have a good imagination.
Would anyone be interested in me forking my charicter to have a RP char and a FanFic char?
Please read!

Name: Jess
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Scottish
Facial Look: Pale skin, light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, grey eyes, pale lips, small ears, sharp'ish' cheek bones and chin.
Physique: 5,2, 8 stone, very slight muscular build, she isnt very strong, but is quite busty... (No she is not a Hooters girl).
Additional features: She has a few very pale freckles on her arms and face.
Speech; she is a very very good speaker... Seducing, Persuading, Bartering, Lying... She can even intimidate people IF she is with someone else who looks scary.
Other Skills:
Can cook very well(Find her a dead animal and she will give you a beautiful spit roast),
She has good rythem and thus probably learn to dance quickly, no one has ever asked her,
Her people skills also convert to Animal skills, she is able to get close to the cute and fury animals that remain in the Wasteland(Not many).
General CLOTHES repair. (Not armour, unless material based (eg, Leather Armour)): Sewing, dying, tanning, skinning.
Jess wears some old pre-war cotton pants and a tank top that she has re-dyed black, over the top she wears a brahmin hide leather jacket and some brahmin hide leather (eskimo style) boots.
General useful tools; 1 Pot, 1 Cup, 1 Claw Hammer, 1 Scalpel, 1 Sewing kit, 1 fork, 1 re-fillable water can and a few pieces of Brahmin hide for wrapping up hunted meat.
These are all kept in a Molerat Hide bag with two shoulder straps.
If she cannot talk her way out of a fight she has a small revolver tucked into her knickers...(oh the steriotype... xD)
Or for very very desperate cases she may use the Scalpel or Claw Hammer.
Jess is neither Good, Evil or Neutral... She wishes to survive, to do so she has done shameful and personaly demeaning things.
She is not skilled with guns so has to use her charm and charisma to keep herself alive, sometimes in the past however the only way she saw to keep herself alive was to use the fact she was a female but she is not proud of doing so...
Place of Origin: Unknown, she grew up in a slum city and her family were killed for thier strong Scottish accent.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Scottish
Facial Look: Pale skin, light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, grey eyes, pale lips, small ears, sharp'ish' cheek bones and chin.
Physique: 5,2, 8 stone, very slight muscular build, she isnt very strong, but is quite busty... (No she is not a Hooters girl).
Additional features: She has a few very pale freckles on her arms and face.
Speech; she is a very very good speaker... Seducing, Persuading, Bartering, Lying... She can even intimidate people IF she is with someone else who looks scary.
Other Skills:
Can cook very well(Find her a dead animal and she will give you a beautiful spit roast),
She has good rythem and thus probably learn to dance quickly, no one has ever asked her,
Her people skills also convert to Animal skills, she is able to get close to the cute and fury animals that remain in the Wasteland(Not many).
General CLOTHES repair. (Not armour, unless material based (eg, Leather Armour)): Sewing, dying, tanning, skinning.
Jess wears some old pre-war cotton pants and a tank top that she has re-dyed black, over the top she wears a brahmin hide leather jacket and some brahmin hide leather (eskimo style) boots.
General useful tools; 1 Pot, 1 Cup, 1 Claw Hammer, 1 Scalpel, 1 Sewing kit, 1 fork, 1 re-fillable water can and a few pieces of Brahmin hide for wrapping up hunted meat.
These are all kept in a Molerat Hide bag with two shoulder straps.
If she cannot talk her way out of a fight she has a small revolver tucked into her knickers...(oh the steriotype... xD)
Or for very very desperate cases she may use the Scalpel or Claw Hammer.
Jess is neither Good, Evil or Neutral... She wishes to survive, to do so she has done shameful and personaly demeaning things.
She is not skilled with guns so has to use her charm and charisma to keep herself alive, sometimes in the past however the only way she saw to keep herself alive was to use the fact she was a female but she is not proud of doing so...
Place of Origin: Unknown, she grew up in a slum city and her family were killed for thier strong Scottish accent.
Chapter 1:
The guns ripped through the mud hut, the short-sighted biggots believed her parents Scottish accent was a sign of witchcraft.
The deafening sound of their crude guns should have drowned out her parents last screams but they didn't.
She fled the camp for her life, the Screams of her parents persuing her.
They would forever persue her...
A scream echoed from a a basemant of a large warehouse, then a gun shot.
The echo reverberates around the basemant, around the warehouse and even around the wasteland.
Jessica was once again fleeing a place she believed she could call home, her head in her hands.
Is to encourage the death of another to save ones own life murder?
Does it matter?
Atleast hell would be warmer, warmer than the crisp arctic wasteland of Canada.
She began to walk the wasteland once again, not for the first time, or the second.
She walked for months; night turned to day and days felt like weeks.
The bitter cold of Canada however slowly became less severe.
A rusted sign rose up out of the Wasteland, Detroit...
She stepped across the threshold, towards the remains of crumbling sky scraqers and cracked tarmack.
Another place to call home?
The city street was hard under her feet, not like the snow...
She continued on however, her home made boots were made for walking in snow and did not have thick heels to cope with hard surfaces.
Her mind turned to shoes, ever wasteland girls are fixated by shoes.
She had once read a pre-war magazine and had seen a pair a beautiful high heeled boots,
having never worn any she could only think of how comfortable they would be.
A flash of muzzle flash whipped her out of her day dreams, she did not know for how long she had been walking.
A Tanned man covered in paint and wielding a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it charged at her.
Head down she sprinted for cover as the other unseen person fired another shot just missing her.
The city streets turned to a blur as she ran, she had only just realised how exhauseted she was and her body felt limp.
"Arg..... [censored] hell.." Jessica spat out a mouthful of blood.
"What the hell happened?"
She opened her eyes but the light blinded her,
Her head and knees burned and her nose felt blocked.
"Shhhh" A calm and soft man's voice said.
"Your alright, lie still..."
She felt a warm hand on her bare stomach.
"Why am I not wearing a shirt!" She attemped to sit up and push the man away but she was too weak.
He pushed her back down onto her back.
"Do not worry, you are all covered up and I have not discraced you in anyway." He turned the lights down to a less blinding level.
"You were wounded and I had to treat you, so I removed your armour.
I saw you running from the raiders and opened my door for you to run to safty, I thought you had been shot when you collapsed.
You must have been walking for a long time to collapse like that, are you a traveller?"
"What happened to the people persuing me?" She gasped to speak to him
"Did I cause you trouble?"
"Do not worrie of them at all, I was happy to help" As her eyes focussed in the low light levels she saw the mans face.
"Now get some rest, you need it."
Chapter 2:
Jessica awoke again, the lights were out and something felt strange.
She sat up on the bed, her body felt numb.
She tried to stand, fumbling in the darkness and falling to her knees.
The thud echoed through the darkness.
Where is the man?
Why isnt he here?
Is something wrong?
Is he still here?
She climbed back to her feet,
she dreaded making any noise.
Banging and smashing could be heard in the distance.
She reached out leaning on things to support her numb legs and headed towards the noise.
Running her hand along the wall she felt a light switch and turned it on, her stuff was scattered around the room.
Someone rummaged through my stuff...
Rage flashed through her as she saw her underwear scattered around the room,
I am sure you can image yourself what her underwear was... Hand crafted from the left over strips of Brahmin leather hide.
The signs got worse as she moved towards the noise, a mans voice shouting...
The mans voice who had her at his mercy whilst she was unconcious.
The man was shouting at someone, and banging and cutting noises could be heard from the same direction.
She turned a courner into a long corridor, a door at the end opened up into a room...
The details of what she saw through that door are too nasty
A man stood in the room naked, a large hatchet in his hand, the Raiders strapped to the walls on crusifixes still alive, their limbs amputated.
Jessica fell back against the wall at the sight of what she had seen.
She leant over and threw up to the side of her.
I though he was a good man,
That he saved me...
She peeked around the courner, trying not to look past the door, but at the door itself.
It had an outside lock, if she could run quickly and quietly...
She jumped to her feet and sprinted down the corridor,
as she neared the door the man turned to her raising his hatchet.
The man presumed Jessica was going to charge him and braced himself raising his weapon to strike her.
As she reached the doorway he realised his mistake, she slammed the heavy metal door but was unable to lock it quick enough.
The mans body crashed into the otherside of the door pushing it open slightly and they wrestled to shut it completely.
They continued to wrestle, the large man was stronger than her and she knew eventualy she would lose.
Her body was weak but she determination to not let the man out as she knew he would kill her.
Through out it all the man was screaming insults, the almost dead Raider screamed incouragement but Jessica did not speak she strained and girned but did not speak.
Suddenly a huge dog jumped up infront of her, behind a low cage built into the wall, his teeth stuck through the bars inches from her legs.
A large handle was above the cage door...
As the man continued to scream his insults she found it hard to think but slowly it came to her...
What??!?!? Arrr [censored] dog...
Cage?? Why?
Where it exit? Handle?
To open it?
Sick [censored]....!!!
It came to her
Its for clean up, the dog goes in and eats the leftovers...
If I can open it... It might attack him...
Distract him, I can shut the door.
She moved her body weight away from the door to reach the handle,
Suddenly the man made a huge gain in the struggle to open the door his hatchet now flying through the gap in the door waving wildly.
She threw her weight back into the door and she began to gain closed distance again shutting on the mans wrist, caught in the door he dropped the hatchet..
She quickly stamped on it and pulled it towards her with her foot, picking it up she smashed the handle of the cage and a scraping told her it had opened.
Scampering of feet followed and the man screamed, his insults stopped and he was now pleeding for her to open the door.
The door slammed shut as the man stopped trying to force open the door and Jessica slammed down the bar lock sealing the man and the dog to their fate.