I figured I'd share my preview with all you Brink fans first-hand. If you have any questions about my preview or about my experience with the game, I'd be more than happy to take a stab at answering.
Here it is: http://www.psu.com/Brink-Hands-on-Preview--Aboard-the-Ark--a010883-p0.php
Splash Damage’s Brink is not easy to classify. “But wait,” you say, “isn’t Brink a first-person shooter?” Why yes, it is a first-person shooter, but it’s not a single-player, competitive multiplayer, or cooperative multiplayer game — it’s all three at once. Its parkour-style movement and dynamic objectives further complicate the genre issue, so I won’t slap a standard classification on Brink; instead, I’ll tell you that Brink is audacious, gorgeous, and a whole lot of fun.