she sat back against the wall.
The sounds in the room raged on,
Eventualy the mans screams and pleads for his life stopped,
replaced by quite sounds of chewing and ripping of flesh.
Another person dead to save myself...
Another corpse with me as its maker.
As a child I vowed not to kill...
Seems thats not a vow I could keep...
He world spins, she falls in and out of conciouness as the guilt plauges her.
Eventually she rises her head hurts and all is silent, getting up she beguins to search the building.
It was an old building and there were no other rooms than the one she was first and and the one full of raiders.
She did not bother to search the entire room instead quickly grabbing her stuff and rummaging through a shelves.
She found a lot of the medical supplies he had used to healon the shelves around where he had been lying.
She also found a large revolver it was heavy and fired rifle bullets, she puzzled over it for a long time before chosing to take it.
Even a gun that used rare ammo was better than no gun at all.
( Yes she did just find a .223 pistol

In another shelf she found a few cardboard cases of .223 bullets and put them into her brahmin hide backpack.
All kitted up she had one last thing to do, she could not have another death on her hands, the dog must not be left locked in that room.
After a few minuits of mental preparation she took out a piece of prepared meat from her bag and unwrapped it from the brahmin hide cover.
She loaded five bullets into the strange revolver and meat in hand slowly approached the door.
She undid the lock slowly and a sound of the dog jumping to attention could be heard as his claws scraqed on the floor.
[censored] I hope this is the right move,
It certainly isnt a clever one!
Dont kill me, Dont kill me, Dont kill me, Dont kill me!!!
"Here doggy, ima just open this door doggy, dong be scared..."
She opened the door slightly and peeked through to see the dog stood, covered in blood, staring wide eyed at her.
Opening the door slightly further the dog stood still, eyes now focussed on the meat.
"You want this doggy? Its good.." She held out the molerat meat fully opening the door and kneeling low to the ground.
The dog moved slightly closer his eyes moving from the meat, to the gun and finally to her face.
I should move away,
let him come to the meat... Then move to him...
He hasnt ripped my leg off yet... Thats a good sign,
I hope!
After a few moments of neither one of them moving she placed the meat in the door way and took a few steps backwards staying close to the floor.
The dog moved forward and began to eat the dog and after a few minuits of watching it eat she moved forward to stroke his thick fur.
The dog did not attept to move away but continued eating as Jessica stroked him a smile widened across her face.
Atleast the dog cant have alternative motives for being nice...
Animals are so perfect, they dont lie and they dont expect anything you have never given them before...
I hope you really are a good doggy and dont just want my food...
I hope when I cant feed you, I dont become food.