» Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am
Chapter One: Just like anyother day
"Oh, come on. Stop coming down here without your pants," the inn keeper stated with definite disgust.
Jack yawned as walked down the stairs and said, “Sorry Oats, but I don't see any reason to get dressed to take my morning piss." He was young man with short black hair.
"It's indecent, and your friend is even worse. Brining in random women from the street into my fine establishment. They've got places for that elsewhere in town."
"Oats, we're damn near the only ones who even rent rooms from you. Besides, those other places only let you use their own girls," Jack retorted. Otis didn't really have much business; caravaners usually slept outside or went for the brothels. Jack wasn't too keen on vices and Dillon didn't want to walk across town to find him before they shipped out. "Is your s***er working today Oatmeal."
"Yes, and would you quit with the silly names," he replied with a scowl. Jack just chuckled and strode into the restroom. While he was busy, Dillon came out scratching his room scratching his head. The innkeeper noticed him on the stairs and shook his head. "At least you get dressed in the morning," Otis mumbled.
"Well, good f***ing morning to you to," Dillon retorted, “Why are you so uppity with your customers." Dillon looked like very large hippy with his ling mangy hair.
"I'm only uppity with you because I don't like you brining in those tramps. I know what you're doing and you need to stop flaunting it. You make too much [censored] racket at night and walk down here like you own the place."
Even behind the restroom door, Jack could here Otis and he laughed. Dillon loved seeing the old man get frustrated, in fact he tampered with the toilet once and dropped a log just to see him cuss up a storm. "Otis, you shouldn't be jealous just because your old woman won't play with ya. Speaking of which, has she got crackin' on breakfast yet." And for once in a rare while Otis smiled. It made him happy that the two "youngsters" were less fond of his wife than he was.
"Oh, she'll get to it," he replied.
At this point Jack strode out and remarked," S***, Satan's up already?"
Otis chuckled and returned, “You boys need anything to drink first off."
"Too early for beer. 3, 2, 1, alright now it's beer time," Dillon stated with a humorous tone. Jack just asked for water and headed back upstairs to get dressed. Within an hour they were served. Theresa the Terrible emerged from the kitchen with two plates. "Here you go boys," she said her nice voice. Jack thanked her and Dillon grabbed for his silverware. Before he got his fork to the table, he caught the back of the large woman's hand and his face. "Aint you forgetting something," she said in mean voice. Dillon rubbed his jaw and said his thanks. "That's better," she replied before slapping them both, Don’t you boys a better than bring guns to the table
They both voiced their pain. "We have to leave early today, Theresa," Jack explained.
She scowled and said, “That’s no excuse," and let them be. They quietly ate their meals until she was out of sight.
Otis cackled, “Try livin' with her boys." They both shuddered.
"Otis, that woman is the reason I don't want to get married," Jack called out.
Dillon said through a mouth full of hash browns," Dude, you don't even get close to many women. JESUS!" A butter knife flew past his face.
"Don't you talk with your mouth full," Theresa shouted.
"Why'd you attack me, Jack was sassin' you," he replied after taking a gulp.
"I don't care what you boys think, I care how you act. Besides, he's better behaved."
After their morning entertainment, both men grabbed their weapons and there packs. Jack carried a standard army assault rifle (Fallout 3 "Assault Rifle") and Dillon packed a military light machine gun (not present in Fallout 3 but appears in Fallout 2) and a sawn- off shotgun. Dillon was definitely more muscular but Jack had always tried to be smarter. They said their goodbyes and headed out. "So, where was your lady friend today," Jack queried as they walked to the atomic car the trade company let them use.
"She took off last night. I guess she didn't want to cuddle."
"Kay, can we leave it that, you have a habit of being too descriptive," he interjected. Dillon chucked his large gun in the back seat and took the wheel while Jack rode shotgun with his rifle.
"Why the hell do we have to be there so early today," Dillon complained. He preferred to sleep late.
"The guys in charge think the caravan is less likely to get hit if it leaves earlier," he replied.
"Then why the f*** do they have us to guard it."
"Just in case"
They pulled up to the city limit which had been fortified with low walls built from destroyed houses. Other guard cars and trucks of goods were already there and more were arriving. Everyone manage to make a nice double file line (the most that would fit on the old highways). Dillon took a swig from a beer that was chilled from being out in the car in the autumn cold. "Dude, I still that's the best thing to do man," Jack warned
"Please, we've been doing this for three years, and still haven't caused in problems. You to stop reading that pre-war garbage," Dillon replied
"Drinking clearly impairs your driving abilities among other things."
"I'm not even drunk, I'm buzzed."
"Ya, well, your buzz put 6 dents in this car and the company isn't happy."
"Well, they only yell at me so you shouldn't care. Plus it doesn't impair my ability to shoot them Injins." Ijins or Indians were a common term used for caravan raiders. It was a reference to old west stories of cowboys and Indians even though most raiders were never actually Native American. In fact, the caravan probably employed more Native Americans than the raiders did.
The convoy had started moving, but before long, the new departure time proved to be nothing but a failed precaution. One of the guard cars exploded. None of the others vehicles were damaged by the blast since they spaced themselves out.
Dillon hit the brake and grabbed his gun from the back. “Here we f***ing go"
(now spell checked)