:facepalm: ....Oh how interesting. A 'this makes immersion better' thread......
Just for the record, an idea doesnt have to relate to immersion to be a good one. Just say your idea. Leave immersion out of it. Its really corny.
I like your idea and it adds to the believability of the world. But it does nothing to help me become immersed.
I laughed quite a bit at this. Adding believability to the world is one of the cornerstones of immersion... yes the word is overused on these forums, and doesn't quite mean what its dictionary meaning states when its used here. But it happens often that colloquial meaning is infused into terms in communities that focus on specific topics such as this one. "Immersion" isn't a "corny term", its shorthand for saying exactly that it "is more believable". If the actors behave in ways that real beings would be more likely to behave, it's "immersive" by this forum's take on the word. The primary desire "immersionists" have is not to add more things that bring immersion, but to AVOID things that break it. NPCs walking into walls, jumping 20 feet, standing in a downpour with a blank expression on their face, etc are things that instantly remind us that the actor isn't real. Of course you aren't going to "completely believe" that its not a game, it is a game, but the more that this constant reminder can be limited, the more solid the game is. Its funny the word "corny" was used to describe the word "immersion", because its really the opposite... something that is corny is immersion breaking, and immersion wishes are about wanting corny things removed and fixed.
If you can't believe something it makes it difficult to feel immersed. I don't see how it could be 'corny' to suggest things that don't make players go "wut?" to the game. Sure, an idea doesn't have to be related to immersion to be a good one, but that doesn't mean that ideas related to immersion should not cite that immersion.
That said, actors reacting to weather would certainly be great for immersion, and yes, that is a good thing.