YES ! Best minor-mod for Oblivion ! (But I did like the additional pack animals, too.) :thumbsup:
Finishing a faction questline NOT being the leader BUT being able to do something with/for the faction would be a mostly welcome addition for Skyrim. (...)
Yes ! I would like it, too ... but it's no minor thing, I'm affraid.
32 - De-limb body parts
35 - Harvest Moon style farming. i want to be able to buy cows and chickens and have crops. im sure alot of other people do to. I know its a big idea but it would be rad
37 - diving animation from when you want to take a leap
No minor things. (Wouldn't be worth the effort, imo)
34 - option to turn off mission arrows. I know this is always brought up but its good to return to the idea
YES ! That's a MUST-HAVE, imo ! :tops:
36 - be able to pick up and throw stones from the ground
Agreed !
38(extended)-Precisely this. I want my character to twist and turn as he falls down, be it on third or first person.
39-A settlement whose development is reliant on your actions, through quests and gold investments.
No MINOR things at all (except the rag-doll addition). :no:
44. The return of "Named Soul Gems". (...)
Agreed !
45. "Taxidermy" - If I can do random things like "cooking" than I should damn well be able to make a dragon rug carpet.
No minor thing I would think ... and not particularly necessary, imho.
46. Make caves dark enough for me to need to use a torch in the deepest caves for some reason there was always a light hole coming down from the ceiling no matter where i go.
47. Make Dungeon/ruin torches (wall torches and fire places) burn out and be able to light them up.
Seconded !
49 - more intense storms. stuff blowing branches breaking etc.
50 - a barber shop!
No minor things, I'm affraid ... but would love to experience / have this, too. :thumbsup: