1) Where can I buy 4.7mm caseless ammo?
That ammo is like hens Teeth, occasionaly San Fran... But theres no regular supplier I can think of
2) Is there any armor better than Advanced Power Armor?
Avanced Power Armour MK2 - But its only on the oil rig.
3) Who has the most gold for bartering?
The San Fran Merchants, and the Cashier at the Redding Casino
4) I can no longer do slaving work at the Den

What happened? And where do I go for a new slaving job? (Note: I'm already in a gang, one without slave buisness)
Nowhere really. You can do some work for a slaver in NCR, but its not slaving work.
5) Where can I find a P90 and a Gauss Rifle?
Dunno about the P90 (dont even remember it being in game), but you can get a Guass rifle in Navaro
6) How do I "dual wield"? I heard I could dual wield P90s...
You heard wrong. There is no Dual Wield.