» Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:29 am
well it will likely go like this *contains minor spoilers*
you find yourself within your cell as with other elder scrolls games then the person across from you (a nord) says "so...todays your day huh (insert race name here or if you are a nord he refers to you as kinsman) well at least you wont have to stare at these crumbling walls any more right" the jailer comes to your cell and unlocks your door and begins leading you outside. just as you are about to leave your former cellmate says "remember when your heads on the slab keep your neck straight...if your lucky the executioners axe will knock you out so you dont have to see your own headless body when they lift up your severed head..." then a few moments later your at the executioners square and you seem him stride out he is a very large muscular man with long shaggy blonde hair and a full beard.also has a patch on one eye and he is wearing some iron bracers and fur greaves and boots and is wielding a large two handed axe covered in blood and rust. the jailer forces you to your knees and puts your head on the stone slab the executioner raises his axe. and the camera changes its angle very slightly indicating your character decided to heed his former cellmates advice. then you hear a thunderous boom then the executioner looks off to the side the and a look of incredible terror crosses his face you hear a roar then a large scaly tail knocks him into a tree killing him. your character struggles to its feet to find a large old dragon attacking the people in the prison the jailer that lead you to the executioner is incinerated in a blast of fire and falls to the ground a charred skeleton. you dash over to his remains and recover a key which you use to unlock your cuffs. and you pick up the executioners axe and thus starts your first dragon fight after you deal out 10 hits to the dragon it dies from a combination of its wounds and its age. and thus you learn the knockback shout which you use to break a small section of the wall of the prison that was weakened during the dragons rampage and you escape. :toughninja: