interspecies relaions

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:46 am

The argonians and khajiit think in a fundamentally different way than the other races. This is a pretty big issue in establishing a meaningful relationship if you can't understand the others thoughts.
There are also pretty big cultural differences between the different races and there seems to be some sort social prejudice against interspecies relationships.
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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:07 am

The argonians and khajiit think in a fundamentally different way than the other races. This is a pretty big issue in establishing a meaningful relationship if you can't understand the others thoughts.
There are also pretty big cultural differences between the different races and there seems to be some sort social prejudice against interspecies relationships.

That's why there uncommon, but if say a kahjiit was orphaned and raised by a different race, wouldn't it think like the race it was raised by?
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:18 am

It would be cool to see a relationship between species ... But not the result. ... EKKKS ...
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:03 pm

The argonians and khajiit think in a fundamentally different way than the other races. This is a pretty big issue in establishing a meaningful relationship if you can't understand the others thoughts.

It's strongly implied in Oblivion that Kud-Ei (a female Argonian) and Henantier (a male High Elf) are more than just "normal" friends. If you befriend Dar-Ma, and save her in the Hackdirt quest, she pretty much becomes infatuated with you if you're playing a male character of any race. In The Wolf Queen, book 3, Prince Antiochus has an Argonian mistress (he also makes note of having had a stash of Khajiiti erotica). So it seems both physical and emotional attraction are possible between the races.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:06 am

It's strongly implied in Oblivion that Kud-Ei (a female Argonian) and Henantier (a male High Elf) are more than just "normal" friends. If you befriend Dar-Ma, and save her in the Hackdirt quest, she pretty much becomes infatuated with you if you're playing a male character of any race. In The Wolf Queen, book 3, Prince Antiochus has an Argonian mistress (he also makes note of having had a stash of Khajiiti erotica). So it seems both physical and emotional attraction are possible between the races.

see despite playing OB severeal time's i've never done this quest hell i dont think i've ever discovered hackdirt lol.
obviously i haven't read all the books two but my main gripe is that this 200 years after OB surely cross specie's relations have moved on a bit since the septim regime ended both policitaly and perssonnaly i dont want every other couple to be cross species just slightly more common to kinda show oone change that has happened in 200 years. also even though this is a R/W comparison i belive it fits romeo and jueliet though there both human it just shows that sometimes love is stronger then blood/culture/etc.
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Kevin S
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:50 am

It would be cool to see a relationship between species ... But not the result. ... EKKKS ...

i laughed like a madman....i feel dirty now :(
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David John Hunter
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:40 pm

Barenziah also had six with a Khajiit according to her biography, though some say that's not a reliable source.
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:58 pm

I don't think you can draw that kind of comparison. The races may have similarities to real-world ethnicities, but there are so many differences in culture that there isn't even any point of trying to compare. They may seem that way on the surface, but if you look deeper into any of the ES races, I doubt you would be making lists like these.

For example, I doubt Mexicans' minds can be controlled by special trees.

EDIT: Although, the Nord/Scandinavian comparison is kinda spot on. I think that's what the Devs were going for.

Well there isn't a literal connection. I was just giving a rough real world equivalent for each race.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah.. no. You're mixing up fantasy races with human race/ethnicities. Which has nothing to do with breeding as all humans are the same species. All humans are believed to have started in Africa and spread out to the rest of the world.

Oh, that list wasn't really about the thread topic. It just seemed like a good place to ask that question without making a whole thread about it. My input on the thread topic came after :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:09 am

If you want to make a half race, pick the dominate race feature, and throw in some of the other race's features.

Example, I made a dunmer-orc character once by making a dunmer and turning his skin green, with skills balanced between an orc and dunmer's.

Otherwise, it's lore that the races of Tamriel do not make 50/50 from mom and dad. Instead, it's more like 96F/ 4M. The traits of daddy are not really present, and are quite subtle. Hell, it took CENTURIES for the bretons to be created.
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