The guy who is morally good, a conscientious objector etc.
And the guy who is simply too weak to fight for himself (whether he is morally a pacifist is irrelevant since his game style is the same for the most part).
Either of these roles will not engage in some grand campaign, unless he cant help it at all. The former may know self defense and survive and the latter will die most likely when confronted by epic obstacles. The former is against war and violence by choice and the latter is impotent to the matter outright. Once you become a crusader for good, or whatever your intent is, you lose the role of pacifist. Same as if you become a big shot and have other people do it for you (unless you use calm spells on your henchmen to keep the beatings to a minimum), you still become more than a pacifist though, since your getting involved in the grand scheme of things.