Interesting, it looks like the evil and more awesome version of Frostcrag Spire, thanks for making me notice this mod!
On your problem though: I believe that actors flagged as 'evil', aka in an evil faction, will not be cared for by the guards. The mod should have provided some way to avoid guards coming, but since it doesn't look like so, try this: open the console, click on your victim and type: SetFactionRank C45B2 0
This will put them in a Oblivion.esm faction that exists solely for marking an NPC as evil (no other secondary effects), and should solve the problem. Let me know if it works.
Edit: or use Reneer's mod and kill a flock of birds with one stone: no psychic guards, dynamic bounties, easy corpse carrying, guards wary of sneaky bastards like myself
, and all in one mod!