please exuse the slightly jerky frame rate I went through half a dozen vido capture programs and this was the best quality I could produce.
Ok so now the meaty bit..
Mod History
I can't remember exactly when I started this mod. The original thread is so old that it no longer exists. I decided to take this project on because while there's nothing wrong per say with the Akatosh style dragons in TES I just prefer the classic look. To me Akatosh are more like drakes or Wyvern than actual dragons.
It was originally going to be just a re skinned ridable lion with some extra mesh added for the neck and a new jumploop animation. Of course this was very short sited, full of bugs and I couldn't get anyone to really help with the animation. Not that I didn't get any offers of help but people are busy and animation, though rewarding, is time consuming.
The mod died and when I regained interest in it again I came to the decision I was going to have to learn to animate myself and take it from there. But also if I was going to be doing the animations I may as well go all out and make a totally custom skeleton and creature.
Well I opened Pandora's box alright and it took a lot of hair tearing and screaming to get things where they are now. I'd somehow made a collosal error with my first walk cycle animation and the only way to fix it was to delete most of it. After that the project wound up on the back burner for a couple of days, which became a couple of weeks, then months and so on.
The trailer for Skyrim is really what got me interested again. The thoughts of TES and dragons kindled my interest anew and I was back in business not long after. There have been and still are several bugs and the mod would not be where it is now without the aid of Konipton, TheMagician, Compulsion here on the TES forums Amarillo over at the niftools forums and fore over at the nexus forums. A big thanks to you all.
Where it's at
In truth I wouldn't even call what you see an alpha version of the mod. Only the basic movement animations are done and they are by no means finished.
So I need to do a version of every animation in the horse file for the dragon as well as two new anims for cast range and cast touch which will represent the dragon using its breath weapon at different ranges. Also I want a cast self animation so the dragon can heal itself and summon drakes to its aid. So there's plenty of work there.....
Then.. text cues so the game knows at which point in an animation it should do things like play sfx and calculate an attack.
Bone priorities... this is a bit alien to me but for the most part I need only copy the priorities as they are for the horse I think
sfx... I can probably get away with using sfx from various Oblivion creatures but if anyone has any interesting ones I'll look into them
magic effects... A jet of fire for the breath weapon...
bug hunting... worming out all those little problems that will likely take so much longer than it needs to.
Where it's going.
I want the final mod to offer everything that SaidenStorms Akatosh mod offers with zero conflicts between the 2 (because lets face it... dragon wars! You know you want it!) So I'll want several dragons, I can use the basic colours but I'd also like to create an undead Arch Demon style Dragon as well as a Daedric armoured style dragon (those may come in later releases as I foresee a lot of work there.) I would also rather use the Akatosh flight script than the pegasus one. I will ask Saidenstorm for permission but I'm going to need a scripter to adapt it to my mod if he allows it.
Ok so that's it I'll update more when there's more to update.