Is this really their middle-distance speed? I didn't think they could keep that up for periods measured in minutes. (Like you said, it's rather hard to find that info all properly collected...)
If so, I'm probably dead wrong in general. But I still like my conditional-potion-sprint idea.

On site they claim that wolves can run with 40 mph for a distance of several miles. 60 miles in one night isn't that bad either for a long distance runner I'd say. On other sites it's a bit less, for example on Wikipedia they say that
They are also capable of running at speeds of 56–64 km (34–38 miles) per hour, and can continue running for more than 20 minutes, though not necessarily at that speed.
Some sites mention that the fastest Timber Wolf recorded ran at a speed of 57 mph, although that might be an exaggeration. But even 40 mph is much faster than any human and even an average speed of 25 mph for 20 minutes would be faster than any human.
Not sure what is right and what is wrong, but I think it's pretty safe to say that even an almost naked super athlete human can't outrun a wolf at distances of less than 2 miles and probably not even on a distance of less than 10 miles. I knew that cheetahs can only run for a very short time at a very high speed, but I never thought that wolves were such short distance runners (my dog proves this - he never seems to be exhausted for more than a few minutes and even that only happens after a really long walk with lots of stick throwing and other silly activities that make him run around like crazy). But I guess that's enough wolf talk for now.