Hi Nekhanimal,
I've posted a couple of comments in the tesnexus discussion for this mod. I still love it and affirm that there is no better vampire overhaul, but I'm having a few problems.
I've reached a blood potency level of 249, talked to a Kindred Patriarch about, um, clans, had the great pleasure of putting him down, and (having obtained a Palace Sewers key earlier) raided the Bloodworkers and looked around and waited in, I think, all of the "big, open chambers" in their headquarters -- the Palace Sewers, right? Nothing happens. I've tried putting on a vampiric appearance or starving, then looking around and waiting again, and... nothing happens. Does the Antediluvian not like me?
Second problem: Earlier, on reaching the age of Elder, I did not receive the Sanguine Aviation ability, just a lesser power called "Verminate," which, unlike the 1.7x version, merely does mild fire damage on self. I read that Verminate is not even supposed to be in V1.81, so this has me somewhat confused.
Third problem: On reaching the Ancient Stage, I gained Forecast and Chronosphere but not Crimson Horror, and nothing in its place.
That's all. In this save, I'm playing as a Mystic Elf with OOO, Supreme Magicka, No Psychic Guards, 24 Hour Arena Alive V2, Alternative Start, some unofficial patches and a few clothing, body and armor mods activated. This is the GOTY edition, so KotN and Shivering Isles are also installed. Oblivion Mod Manager refuses to run on my computer ever since my previous hard drive failed; I'll get that fixed soon. In the meanwhile, I can't do much about load order.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
On a side note, I remember once trying to talk to a vampire for a quest in a mod; because I was an elder, there was no way to have a non-NAVM dialogue. Perhaps you could add a power at the higher ages to appear as human to everyone, including other vampires, as one can at the lower ages. If it's not too hard to program, then you have a simple all-around compatibility fix for quest mods with vampires. Not the most important thing you need to worry about, I imagine. Just a suggestion.
Thanks again for the ridiculously awesome mod!