Troops using this armor could I think actually use a mini-gun.
Could theoretically, maybe... But miniguns are rather specialized weapons, not suited for this purpose. If your power armor needs heavy weapons, I'd go with a carried M2 or something. Miniguns have the advantage of ROF, but that kind of ROF is useless for shooting at ground targets, since nothing on the ground moves fast enough to *need* such insane ROF.
Imagine a whole platoon or company of them. They'd clear out a town full of insurgents in short order..

Yeah, MOUT is basically the only place where power armor is a better value than an IFV. But in MOUT, it could really shine.
Power armor would also allow troops to carry much heavier loads of supplies and ammunition, i.e. stay in the field for much longer. And also cover a lot more ground, because they wouldn't get tired as easily. I see a LOT of uses for this!
The issue with power armor is the increased maintenence. You're not going to be able to stay in the field for long if it keeps breaking down. Assuming you've nailed the power issue with some sort of FO style fusion battery.
First off the thing can stop small arms okay but if the enemy is using something like an M2 the bullets would probably go right through the thing like it's nothing.
Yes, .50 AP rounds would kill it easy... That's why you'd have vehicles with armor rated for higher calibers to deal with those. You don't send in your expensive power armor troops unsupported, you use them as another option in a plethora of choices.
Also as others have stated RPGs, grenades and explosives would take it apart rather easily and there not heard to
get and/or make.
Grenades would actually be fairly ineffective vs full body power armor, since most of a grenade's killing power comes from the shrapnel, and a powersuit would stop shrapnel handily except to areas that by design have to be flexible. (Neck, joints, etc.)
Also, the main advantage of power armor comes in close in combat, ie room clearing like Falluja and such. If you're clearing a room, you don't have to worry about RPGs, since those can't really be used indoors. Only grenades and SAF.
The thing is pretty much only useful for urban assaults meaning deploying a platoon of them out in the country at small FOBs is out of the question. Transporting personel wearing them is going to be difficult at best if not near impossible with most military vechiles considering the bulk of the armor. It would be useless in beach assaults considering if the boat your on sinks the armor is going to cause the wearer to most likely drown.
'Real' power armor actually isn't as bulky as FO-style tanksuits. See BLEEX* or the proposed FW2020.
*BLEEX is just a prototype load bearing exoskeleton; but you still wouldn't have to put in that much armor to render it protected versus SAF, and it still isn't as huge as FO power armor.
They didn't say how much the thing weighs but I'm guessing you won't ever be parachuting wearing power armor.
You can parachute hummers and even some light tanks. I'm sure you could parachute power armor. It can't be more than a ton or two anyway, because otherwise you won't be able to use stairs.