I was just thinking about how dual wielding could be implemented and controlled in Oblivion/Skyrim and had an odd thought.
Is it odd for a left handed person, using left handed controlls to see a right hand manipulating items in responce? Particularly in 1st person combat. Less so with bows staves and magic.
Oblivion sold 4 million copies according to one source so that means there are 400,000 left handed players of oblivion.
would they apreciate a mod that makes the player left handed?
I thought that with collision and physics and spellcasting involved an animation replacer might not do the trick but now I think it might be all that's needed as far as 1 handed combat is concearned.
would anyone want to take a crack at making a mod that changes the melee anims so it looks like the left hand is wielding a sword and the right a shield? (even if the game thinks otherwise?)
I think a mod just changing anims related to 1handed weapon wielding might be all that is needed. But such a thing would have to affect:
1 handed swords
torches and lanterns
spellcasting while holding a sword.
spellcasting while holding a sword and shield.
Spells that specifically use the right hand even when empty handed.
It might not be neccessary to change 2 handed weapons, bows, staffs and appropriate empty handed spell casting anims.
ps the dual wielding controlls I was thinking about was:
LMB=right hand strike,
RMB=right hand parry,
LMB+Shift=Left hand strike
RMB+shift=left hand parry
It's more tricky than regular 1handed or 2handed combat but wielding 2 weapons at the same time is more tricky in real life too. That control configuration addresses the fact that in 2 weapon sword and daggar fighting the right handed weapon is often used to distract or deflect an attack while the left hand weapon makes an unexpected strike. That is to say both weapons can be used to feign, deflect or strike.
It's a more realistic implementation of dual wielding but still not perfect because even if you could implement it in oblivion we'd still see the character deflecting 2 handed war hammer attacks with a dagger but waddayagonnado.
The dual wield mods I have seen are either animation replacers or use the offhand weapon as a shield only.