I don't want grenades. I'm apathetic towards the idea.
I don't get your sarcasm w/ "MATS." How does throwing an object turn TES into a FPS? In fact, when you have your bow out, it is a LOT like a FPS. But I don't hear a lot of whining about that system. Why doesn't the FPS bow/arrow system bring up this issue? Or the FPS way that fireballs are thrown.
It's not introducing a huge new gameplay concept. Everything is there.
It seems like the term "grenade" is throwing a lot of people off to this concept.
I think of Fallout as a post-apocalyptic open-world RPG, not an FPS.... I didn't say anything about FPSs, and I have seen a lot people express their dislike for V.A.T.S. I just meant I don't want TES turning into Fallout, which is a great game, but hopefully the two shall never meet.

Edit: And I quoted you because it seems like a lot of people are trying to figure out ways to fit grenades/explosive contraptions into the TES universe, as if they really, really, wanted them to be in the game, and I personally think that that is ridiculous. :shrug: