Arrows of Spontanious ConflagrationDamage: leveled
Description: These little beauties detonate on impact like
any Fireball Arrow from oblivion, the difference being if you
dont want the splosion to give away your position you simply
aim ahead of the enemys path and the arrow will become a
proximity mine wherever it sticks allowing you to move to a
new position before the fireworks.
Etheric Vaper SwordDamage: vs. most enemies= 0/ vs. spectral enemies= extremely high
Description: This sword exists predominately in the realm of the dead
and appears to mortals as a thick shirting fog in the shape of a blade,
it is extemely effective against ghosts and other beings that originate
from it's demension.
Mythic Dawn Ceremonial StaffDamage: none
Description: This vile piece of antiquety temporarily opens a one way
man-sized gateway too Mehrunes Dagon's realm of oblivion, this doorway
then spews forth Dremora for the duration of the gate, once the gate closes
the Dremora will only survive a few minutes before being banished to oblivion
once again.
WARNING: These Dremora will be hostile to anything they see, including you!! :chaos:

bliviongate: :tes: