Well here is my perception on some things that need work and some new things to add variety to game play, though it might be a long read, I’ve tried to make it enjoyable, detailed and simple for you to read, and I guarantee you'll enjoy it :
In past games, enemies were pretty easy and predictable. They would repeatedly slash sidestep and say the same annoying lines even when they are about to die. And if you were having trouble (or a noob), you could just stand on top of a ledge and spam arrows at an enemy who just kept running forward under you. And even though there were many types of different enemies, they all did the SAME thing, run, attack. So to make fight more difficult and varied, here are some changes:
*More varied enemies like spiders and demons that could cling on walls, jump at you, sneak, etc.
*Humanoid type enemies switch to ranged weapons (if they have one) jump towards you, or new combat tricks (which will get into) to combat you if you spam on a ledge.
*If a humanoid enemy knows he is outmatched (based on your gear) he should scamper away in fear. Enemies should adapt to what kind of fighter you are based on your gear and attack pattern.
*If a camp of enemies sense something wrong (Like hear an obvious noise, or find a dead body), the whole camp will go into alert mode.
*If you start trouble in a friendly village, not everyone is going to be brave and try and stop you, some people will be scared, some will look with amazement.
* Smarter AI that adapt to you and react accordingly
* Different Enemies types that fight differently, have their own personalities and have unique skills
Example of new enemies: Ninjas that cling to walls and hide in shadow, A stretchy demon that can extend its limbs and attack or grab you. Etc.
The thing that defines combat is movement. So here I’ll outline the inputs first (forgive me for putting it in Xbox setup, I’m a console gamer, but you can configure it anyway you want

Note: In the past games, Pressing L would block and R would attack, since Skyrim will have dual wielding, it'll be different, and we don’t have enough info on how combat would be, but here’s my vision on how the controls should be. When you hold L or R, instead of attacking with whatever is in your hand, you hold it up in a readying position. Keep that in mind when you read through.
Keep in mind that ANYTHING YOU CAN DO (magic, combos, movements), SO CAN YOUR ENEMIES (some of them).
Left stick is movement. Changes would be when you flick the stick in a direction; you do a quick side step, flick twice and you do a dive. Useful for dodging and having a little space between you and your opponent.
Clicking the left stick while standing still will make you crouch/sneaking mode.
Clicking it while moving forward will make you sprint (COD style).
Click and holding while moving or sprinting performs a back slide across the ground (bullet storm style). Useful for getting low and closing distance, and looks awesome. Can attack while performing.
Right Stick is to look around. Changes would be when you:
Flick the stick the stick in the left or right direction and you will do a 90 degree turn in that direction, Flick twice, and you do a 180 degree turn, vice versa. Flick up once to instantly look above, and down for…down. This would allow a faster momentum in combat when you’re surrounded and need to protect your own back.
Clicking while readying a weapon will perform a stab motion.
Clicking when not in a readying stance will perform a kick.
Right stick would also direct your attacks when combined with the Left or right hand readying stance, but I’ll get into that in the Weapon Combat section.
Left - When held will bring up a quick dial for weapons/magic you assigned in the hot keys for your left hand.
Right - When held will bring up a quick dial for weapons/magic you assigned in the hot keys for your right hand.
Up - When held will bring up a quick dial for Items you assigned in the hot keys for items.
Down - When held will bring up a quick command wheel (FONV style) to quick command people in your party.
Clicking left or right, you immediately unequip/equip the currently equipped item, clicking up will instantly use the item you have currently in the item box, and clicking down will instantly tell your party to halt action.
This way you can quickly change items in your hand seamlessly and instantly use items without pausing the game to open up the inventory screen allowing for quicker combat scenarios. The down command shortcut wheel is exactly like FONV.
The other buttons are the same commands from past games, though I mapped them differently for comfort; ill explain later in the combat section.
Tap once to do a normal jump, hold and release to do a charged jump.
To make jumping more awesome, when you’re in the air, you can manually do flips and look around upside down in all directions. By flicking the right stick twice in the up (back flip) or down (front flip) direction , you enter free falling mode. This helps and looks cool for when you want to, say, do a back flip and shoot people with arrows behind you while still upside down, or a back flip slash. Of course you have to remember to land on your feet, or you'll have a nasty bail (Tony Hawk style). Just re-tap up or down to return to normal landing stance. If you’re worried that you won’t have time to do a flip, you can make yourself land slower and stay in the air longer by using a gravity spell or something, which I’ll get to in the Spells and abilities section.
*Able to jump off and slide down walls.
These Controls might seem weird, but imagine it and i thing you can adapt to it in time.
General Combat
Sometimes I just like to get hands on and dirty when i fight. To help you visualize I put it in a hypothetical situation, enjoy.
Imagine walking into a bar and someone looks at you wrong. You hold him (with your hands by pressing and holding the grab button) by the collar (so now you’re in a throw position). Then you pick the direction you want to throw him by looking in the direction of the crosshair, and the longer you hold the grab button dictates how far your throw is. So you pick a table as the destination of the guy, and he Crashes through the table, spreading its contents everywhere. The other patron’s don’t take to kindly of you making a ruckus, so three people try to gang up on you (smarter AI). Surrounded, you create enough space for you to fight by pushing (tap grab button) one person into each other causing them to stumble. Making use of the environment, you quick equip (Grab + Interact button, lets you pick up a weapon or item on the ground, but instead of it being in your inventory automatically, it equips into your hand) a bottle on the floor, then you can either bludgeon (attack button) someone on the head with it, or throw it, knocking someone unconscious. One person gets a little personal and you guys throw some fisticuffs, but you win by mixing it up with kicks and knees, etc... (unarmed combat explained in combat section). Your opponent throws an obvious punch, so you counter (time his attack before it hits you and tap grab) his attack and knock him sideways. A guard interrupts the fight and threatens to cut you unless you surrender, and being the badass you are, says NAY. He comes at you drawing his sword, but evilly, you hold (same as above) a bystander and use person as a human shield (hold first then + Use button). The guard pauses and tries to reason with you to release the innocent person. All he had to do was ask, so you forcefully push the person into the guard, stunning him for a second. In his moment of confusion, you rush up and disarm him (by pointing the crosshair at his weapon and pressing quick equip). Weaponless, the guard (that AI) in a state of panic, runs to call the other guards. Victorious and probably having a hefty fine right now, you apologize to the bar keeper and repay him some gold so that you might be able to buy a drink here some other time later (that AI). Onlookers, seeing the destruction you have caused gives you space and whisper to one another (that AI). You quickly leave the wreaked bar full of broken tables and bottles, items scattered about, and unconscious patrons. Don’t worry, in a virtual day, the bar will be cleaned up. Just another day of drinking way too much.
Push by tapping the grab button, can be done in a holding position.
Quick Equip by pressing grab + Interact button.
Hold by pressing and holding the grab button to enter the hold position. Then you can:
Throw by being in the hold position first, looking in the direction of the crosshair and pressing and holding, then releasing the grab button.
Human shield by being in the hold position first then pressing Use button.
That was general combat and can help in other situations for you and YOUR ENEMY, like:
During a random fight, bottles, barrels and other random objects can now be of some use, your enemy could try and distract you by tossing random objects at you, or grab innocent bystanders (or maybe your companion, which could happen in a quest...) and make you rethink your strategy.
Quick equipping can come in handy when you drop (accidently or forcefully) your weapon or see a new shiny weapon on the ground during combat, you can instantly pick it up, or if there is food on the ground (eww) or on a table, quick equipping will let you eat it instantly. This allows less interruption in combat instead of pausing to access your inventory screen.
Throwing strength and distance, objects that can be lifted, and enemies you can grab (humanoids only) is based on your strength skill (duh) and the weight and type of enemy or object and their strength skill compared to yours. If your a mage that lacksstrength, then you can use yur willpower instead with Telekinesis, explained in the Spells section.
You can’t hold, disarm, or push people who have higher strength than you unless you weaken them considerably or stun them beforehand. The more damage you do to them, the longer you can disarm/hold them before they break free.
You can also hold people more successfully when sneaking behind them.
You can perform an execution from a holding position.
You can also throw in enemies in the air, will be explained in the combo section (Yes there must be a combo section: D)
When having someone hostage, make sure the hostage is of worth to the person you are threatening, for instance, think about fighting an evil bandit and you decide to hold an innocent bystander hostage. Of course the bandit isn’t going to pause and plead to you; he's going to cut right through to get to you!
*You can grab and throw or push items and enemies based on your strength skill.
*Quickly equip weapons and items off the ground without resorting to the inventory screen.
*Disarm opponents of their weapons.
*Counter enemy attacks.
Weapon Combat
Though I’m sure Skyrim is going to improve combat greatly,and fights in oblivion were pretty much comparing stats and not difficult whatsover. Here are some ideas I have to make intense and challenging battles:
In a weapon fight you can swing and slash in any direction by moving the right stick + holding either hand attack button in a readying stance.
Flicking the right stick will swing in that direction, while
Holding in a direction will let you guard in that direction and give you a chance to parry. (Think like the boxing game Fight Night)
Stab/thrust by clicking right stick.
Throw your weapon by pressing grab + right click, tap to throw it like a boomerang, or hold to chuck it like a spear).
As for unarmed, could be the same, just different moves ( Round house, hook, uppercut, ect.). And more special unarmed move like a flying kick, or spin kick, Flying uppercut (Street Fighter style).
Using different combinations of directions can perform different combos or special moves. (EX: Rotate right stick to do a spin attack legend of zelda style)
Weapons still clash like in past games, just more specific.
Guarding in the right direction can let you perform a parry, or counter attack.
Remember that you can’t look around while readying your weapon, so you have to let go of L and R to return to looking mode and to do quick turns. When you’re ready to kick some ass again, just ready your weapons.
Shields can be used to charge through enemies.
Alright I’m going to throw some fighting game jargon (I happen to be a fighting game junkie)
*Strong attacks will bounce enemies off the ground making them vulnerable, Letting you attack further or
*Launch enemies into the air, so you can either hit them while their falling or chase them into the air and continue the combo and end with a knockdown or hold.
Of course to make it fair, off the ground bounces and launchers are limited to one per combo.
Think Devil May Cry or Marvel Vs Capcom 3 for visualization.
Stronger enemies recover during a combo faster, and bigger enemies can’t be launched or bounced.
This will add some stylish fights wherever you go.
Again, not much detail available, but here’s my thoughts.
Spells in past games (oblivion) weren’t varied very much, so to vary it, here are some ideas:
Attack spells:
*Spells that explode (Area of effect).
*Being able to charge a spell for a bigger radius or more damage.
*Single Projectiles that explode into multiple projectiles (ex: you shoot this projectile in the air, it explodes and rains down, affecting a huge radius).
*Homing properties for spells.
*Trap spells that activate when an enemy enters a proximity.
Spells should integrate with the environment more, like:
Environmental spells:
*Fire spells burn trees and start forest fires.
*While underwater you can create an ice cube with a Frost spell so you can go on top of it and return to the surface. And when you are on the surface of the water, you can create a surface of ice to get your feet on. (Legend of Zelda Style)
*Lightning spells can zap and do more damage to underwater multiple enemies and do an area of effect. (Bioshock 2 style).
*Water spells put out fire (duh) and wetting enemies, making them vulnerable to lightning damage.
*You can raise the earth by creating a wall of ground up in front of you to shield you and make a platform to stand upon. (Last Airbender Style)
Spells or abilities/perks that change to give you a boost in combat:
*Double jump spell, or higher jump spell. Can be Boots/shoes.
*Add elemental damage to your weapons. Can be augmented to weapons.
*Air dash. Can be augmented to Boots/Shoes.
*Ghost dash that you can use to move through your enemy and appear from behind.
*Slow and speed time spell.
*Able to throw your weapon and have it come back to you like a boomerang. Can be augmented to weapons.
*Being able to walk on walls and cling to them. Can be Boots/shoes.
*Telekinetic Hold for mage characters with low strength and instead use willpower. Can be augmented to greaves/gloves.
*Reflection spell that can reflect magic back to the caster. Can be augmented to Armors/weapons.
( Like the fight against Ganon in the legend of Zelda Ocarina of time where you had to strike Ganon’s magic sphere back and forth).
*Teleport spell. Just point the crosshair and you appear there. There would be special areas you cant teleport through (like restricted areas). Can be augmented to Arrows.
*Multiple arrow spell that times x the number of arrows shot from your bow. Can be augmented to bow/arrows
*Homing arrows too.
*Hook shot spell. Can be an item itself, or augmented arrow.
*3rd eye spell that can project your mind to see into distant rooms, or zoom in on arrow shots.
* Be able to controll an arrows flight (Heavenly Blade style)
Now imagine a fight using all these skills:
You set up a proximity trap, ghost dash to position yourself behind an enemy, start a sword combo, launch him, add some more hits, grab him mid-air, throw him in to the proximity trap which makes it explodes which bounces him off the ground a little, then you teleport under him and release a barrage of arrows. Stylish.
Have perks from FO but with an Elder Scrolls twist:
*Be able to extend arms to grab faraway enemies or items.
*Werewolf transformation like TES3.
*Dragon transformation.
*Swim like a mermaid/ or transform into one.
Just some small things here and there.
*Survival Mode (NOT FONV so called “hardcoe Mode”)
You have to eat, sleep, and hydrate yourself or face VERY negative impacts
*Be able to dye clothes, but better than fables.
*Change the color of spells, like red lightning or blue fire.
*Ninja costume, nuff said.
*Make DLC for console players based off of popular mods. Not full conversion mods, but mods like improved survival or major game play changes.
*Since there is more jumping skills, more platforming!
*More missins with options Ex:You have to kill a bad guy in a castle, to do that you can :
Go through the front door, or
Platform your way up to the top of the castle, or
Sneak through the underground dungeon, or
Steal a guards uniform then assassinate the baddie.
*More STYLE, I want to go up the castle top (above) crash through a big window and land on a dinner table while all the bad guys are eating. Then ruin the party. Yeah!
*More random events during your travels (Red dead Redemption style) EX: Stores getting robbed, riots, ninjas stalking you, hurricanes, etc.
*Hidden bosses that are GOD LIKE hard and yield special rewards.
Well that was a piece of my mind. Hope you enjoyed it. Comments and opinions please.
Now imagine fighting someone like this in multiplayer mode...but thats another thread!