» Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:56 am
I actually found morrowinds largely static system to be slightly more annoying than oblivions scaled system. Oblivions might have been more immersion breaking, however morrowinds made the game feel kind of "spent" once you where able to best everything. Which happened to me quite early on. In every playthrough, and I never touch the slider, because I actually hate the slider system. It gives you far too much control. When that control should be more dynamically integrated into the game itself. (one of the many oblivion mods I use is the dynamically difficulty slider mod which increments it as you level up, makes the game rarely feel cheap even at level 100+ with uncapper mods, plus the temptation to change the difficulty in a hard fight is forced away from you)
I think this system, aka, a more complicated one. Is best. Fallout 3 and Vegas might not have been traditional fantasy games, but they did make some really great core improvements that I do hope carry across. Not in the form of copy/paste, but rather re-purposing the intent.
Like perks, a lot of people think, oh, fallout 3 had them, and that was a futuristic sci fi game that was not my style, now that's infecting my fantasy game. I digress. Perks are fantastic so long as they are contextual to the game, and are varied. (not simply adding or removing statics, but giving you unique capabilities, which further encourage another playthrough)