There's a concept art picture of a female Redguard holding a halberd, which is shown in the background quite a lot in all the videos. I think the two handed weapon skill would be blow your brains out boring if there wasn't polearms. Two handed weapons were boring before in my opinion. If there going to make an entire skill around them they need more variety. Also just to let you know, any weapon that's on a pole is a polearm, so a battle ax and a war hammer are polearms.
That is incorrect. An axeblade or a war hammer that is attached to a pole long enough to keep a man twice or more arm's length away would be a polearm, but a 'battle axe' and a 'war hammer' as they are known generically have never been classified as polearms; they are close combat melee. The defining factor of a pole arm is the advantage of distance.
Generally a polearm is as tall or taller than a person.