1. They should respawn. :ahhh:
2. They shouldn't work solo. I'm thinking gangs here, people. GANGS. :slap:
3. Stop the racial stereotyping. Khajiits can be nice people.... :shakehead:
4. They shouldn't just scream "DIE!!!" at the top of their lungs while impaling themselves on your sword. Tactics, smooth-talk, plans, etc. They need them. :facepalm:
5. Personality, please. All the highwaymen were the same in OB. I'm thinking what's his face on the road to Caldera in MW. Now, HE had personality...and a daedric dagger. :vaultboy:
Aaaaaaaand I'm done.
What about Nels Llendo? Nels Lando was a 'bandit' south of Pelagiad in Morrowind, who would request a kiss from females, or 50 gold from males. If the male rejects him he will attack, if the female he will not.
Later on you can get training from him in the tavern (provided you didn't kill him).