» Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:36 pm
I agree with the OP. Totally. And, based on what I've seen on the Oblivion mods forum, I'd say that there is a good possibility that many others totally agree with the OP also.
1. The Oblivion mods added much towards what the OP is requesting. Not 100% (obviously : ). But, a lot. Based on my experience with the mods (and seemingly by many people on the forum), the Vanilla Oblivion immersion is "enhanced" materially. To the point that I (and I think it's safe to say many others) would not even bother playing Oblivion without mods (that's a personal and subjective thing, but such is life). So, as has been stated many times on the forums when discussing a mod that added an awesome storyline, or surprising content (damn, there are some great quest mods out there), or additional activity (ie. any of the mods that add NPCs to the city, etc), emotional ties (Vilja anyone? and there are others), or, well, the list is long, anyway, it's always "Why the xxxx didn't gamesas add this in to start with?"
2. For years I've seen/read many threads on how shortsighted gamesas was on not providing for support for more memory, 64 bit OS, more than one core, multi-threading, etc. While the argument could be made that such things were just not foreseeable when Daggerfall came out (duh : ), it gets a little weak by the time Oblivion came out. Did they add all that support for Skyrim? Anyway, the comment on the forum is always "Why the xxxx didn't gamesas add this in to start with?"
3. Several people have stated that (I'm paraphrasing here) "Well, if you want that in a game (emotional stuff, heavily populated cities, great storylines, etc.), then you just should go play ." Why is that necessary? What stopped gamesas from putting ALL that in their game(s)? Again "Why the xxxx didn't gamesas add this in to start with?"
Ya know, the answer to the issues listed above (and what I percieve the OP is lamenting about) is "No one knows, because there really isn't any reason why it couldn't have been done."
Yeah, I know, there is always the usual excuses:
a. Time
b. Money
c. It's too hard (or, the familiar, "the technology just isn't there" excuse)
d. Etc.
But, even though I hate to say it (because, really, I like gamesas, and I "like" their games), I think the real answers are that gamesas just doesn't have the ability, know how, willingness, or desire to do it. Probably a lot of the latter.
Hey, no big deal. It's a company. They want to make money in the most effective, comfortable way possible. They have a recipe, it seems to work, why change it? Besides, yeah, it lacks a lot. But, it's still pretty damn good.
As someone else already stated, I think we will just have to wait on a different company to give what some of us are looking for. There are already a few that are making some good attempts. Witcher comes to mind, Assassin Creed had some good ideas, there are a lot of others (I don't have time to play many games, so my experience is somewhat limited). So, eventually, it will happen. Some company will put it all together (or, more so than what we currently have). Probably take another 3-5 years. No problem. I have lots of other stuff to do in the meantime. Games are just light entertainment for a few hours a week (well, more like 5-10 hours a month nowadays : ) Real life has some great stuff to do. I'll be more into it when I'm stuck in an old folks home : )