well, between clicking the guy to have him say hi, and then have the "options" of "rumors" and.... well, that's it, OR having him tell me the rumor directly, I don't mind that much. besides, I doubt they'll always say the same thing.
In Oblivion, at least, the majority of NPCs had more than just "Rumors". In fact, when I started playing around with modded Oblivion, that was the first thing I noticed... that the new added NPCs just had "Rumors" and nothing more, which made them stand out and frankly quite boring. Most NPCs had a line or two to say about themselves, their associated faction(s), and/or where they live, in addition to the general rumors. I wish people would stop with this "Oblivion NPCs only had rumors anyway!" nonsense.. it's not true.
I think that actually increases the immersion. If you walk up to someone on the street and try to start a conversation 9 times out of 10 they'll blow you off or nod and go "uh huh, cool" not even listening to what you're saying.
Well, when you're working at 1/10th the scale of the real world...