1. In OB they literally give you paragraph about each race. They pretty much said "You are a blank, and you come form blank, you like to do blank." And sometimes they would actually tell the name of your greater power but not always. They gave you no info you didn't already know. They might as well have put "See Wikipedia for father information." In just about every game I've played where you can pick which race, nation, planet, etc, your going to play they have at least half a page of info on what your picking. Sometimes a whole page or more. (and yes I read it all.) They should give you something more. What would be best of all would be a history of what has happened to each race in the 200 years between OB and Skyrim. Now out of all the problems OB had this one is the least concerning, and if they don't fix it in Skyrim I won't get mad. I just wish they would do it.
2. (This is the main point.) It was so annoying how they didn't tell you what skills your race is good at, and what there greater power does. I mean what is the honest reason to do that? Do they make money every time someone looks at the manual? No, so why do it, it makes no sense. In MW they displayed what skills your race came with and the effects of your greater power in the top right hand corner. Why can't they do that. It's not like it's going to tie up the whole team for a month or something, there's no excuse for it. Some people buy direct download and either don't get a manual or have to use a crappy digital version. They shouldn't make people look in the manual for something as fundamental as character creation. I still have to look at the manual to this day when I make a new character. If I lost the manual I would have to look it up on the internet every time, it's annoying. It's not to much to ask to have them include that info in game at all.